Cracked CFL


I currently found a old cfl bulb but it has a crack at its base, i was just wondering if this is safe to use considering it still lights up.


If it is cracked at the plastic I don´t see why not use. Put some hot glue on the hole, just to prevent some water getting in, or dirt, or your fingers...


Well-Known Member
When it comes to electricity I don't fuck around I'd get rid of the bulb but first find out where you can recycle it. CFL'S have mercury in them.Happy growing and may all of your harvests be bountiful.


Well-Known Member
bull is right you don't want those problems,could just be your luck it cracks more and mercury gets on your buds.


Thanks for the fast replys.. its cracked on the glass part incase i wasent clear and i know theres mercury vapor in there which can be toxic.. yet it still lights up so i wasent sure.


Active Member
For the price of buying a new bulb I don't see how it's worth the risk to use something defective.

Also I saw a youtube vid where a guy plugged in a CFL that had a crack in the glass and it burst into flames.