Crazy Mutated Leaves

Green Revolution

Active Member
So right now I have some Green Cush x Black Domina I have been experimenting with in my lab. Check out the leaf mutation on this guy, Siamese twins! :o


Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
:eyesmoke: NICE!! Double Mint leafage.

If all the leaves were like that... it could be an interesting trait. What could possibly go wrong with more leafage right?? Well.. besides shading out leaves beneath it.

I would clone that branch, and see if you get more of that action... and clone that specific leaf and hope it grows. Isolated to the specific affected area might be a step in the direction of a plant that is all like that????

Or maybe its just a random thing that might not happen again.


Well-Known Member
I had this exact same effect on a hermaphrodite, It began as a female that was re-potted. After going hermie from stress i harvested, re vegged and during the re veg process a leaf produced the same mutation.