Critique my setup/technique


Active Member
Noob here just got back from my friendly neighborhood hydro shop. Ok so straight to the nuts and bolts of my setup. I decided to purchase a net pot, Hydroton, and rockwool along with Ph down/up kit (tester included). My masterplan is to germinate some bag seeds (simply for practice) place one in 1" block of rockwool and cover with surface fibers and just wait till it sprouts upward. I also place the RW under a dome for added humidity and warmth.

(side note: I drain the RW in a 5.5ph solution)

QUESTION Since RW by default has high levels of PH, dipping it in 5.5ph solution will replace the high levels. yes or no?

Once the seed sheds its seed case I been the lighting cycle. I have a timer, thermometer, and hygrometer in place. During germination & sprouting I will try to maintain 72-77F temps. Humidity? Does this early stage require oscillating fan?

I heard you should cover the RW and exposing roots, so i have black industrial plastic bags i will use. This prevents algae and mold buildup around the RW.

I have a 20w fluorescent light i intend to use.

(side note: I have a terranium setup for my reptile which uses a full spectrum fluorescent with uvb/uva capabilities would that be better?)

This is as far as i've come. I have huge success germinating seeds and sprouting them in soil. Thats my experience in a nutshell. Any expert advice is appreciated.

P.S. I've read some great journals here. Thanks goes out to everyone who takes the time out to write those things. I hope to start my very own soon.


Well-Known Member
a fan always helps to cool things down, and to make the plant stronger,like the wind does.
the rep dome with lite will be ok as long as you have airflo, and drainage, it can get mouldy, and youll be needing more lites.
make sure there are no animals, and fully steralise the tank.
for germing i use a piece of wet paper towel and place seed on top, and place another wet piece of p.t. on top, put in a warm plase. i put mine on top of pc case but mostly the sky.cable box. were its always about 70 deg. place a plate over the top and in a day or two, it will have a tap root and be ready to plant on, but rock. cubes are good, also if you have had succsess b4.
and welcome to the site.
why dont you start a grow j. when you start it really help.esp. with pics.


Well-Known Member
sund 2 004.jpg
here is how i did it last time 10 out of 10 succ.
i placed seeds inbertween two damp cotton buds and two days later, they were ready to plant on.