Well the statutes state that more than 6 plants receive a mandatory minimum sentence of 6 month, I think 7-25=18 months, 25-199=3 years, 200+=7 years. Now the judges clearly have sentencing discretion and may choose to proceed any number of ways based on your previous criminal behavior or any special circumstances like a gun or schools.
Now the con's are trying to push a bill for the third time, currently called S-10, which calls for 1-200 plants gets the mandatory 6 months, 200-500 get 2 years, and +500 getting up to 14 years. Again this bill was gutted before the prorogument of sessions during the olympics, in order to allow 1-5 plants be at the judges discretion(not anymore though). When the bills were pulled from the order table it was reinserted as S10, and because it had passed the house of commons it went straight to the senate. A senate that has a majority of conservatives.
Now at the same time it has been found that marijuana laws are unconstitutional in Canada and all that is required is judges to not acknowledge the law which has happened, I think it was an Albertan Judge, causing nullification to which the police forces of Canada commented by saying "This won't change the way our officers deal with possession." Unfortunately it seems that all has returned to 'order' and cannabis possession is once again an indictable offense. The one thing I find extremely odd is that to find any real info a tremendous amount of hunting is required. There are lots of news reports, but news reports that speculate and get the info wrong, or else describe unacted upon bills that aren't even on the books.
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