cup of grape juice next to plants??


Active Member
after the plant has flowered and the buds are growing, would sitting a cup of grape juice next to the plants while it evaporates, allow the buds to absorb the taste?

although people might disagree with this, and although i think i been doing a shitty growth that i haven't prepared for beforehand, i feel more likely to do it.

but i wanna hear some peoples opinions on this


Well-Known Member
Its supposed to, im going to use it when i start flowering, it dont give it a grape taste but its bring out natural flavors


Active Member
I've got the try that some time. I was thinking of using actual grape juice to flush with, but I don't know if that would actually work.


Well-Known Member
Yea all those crazy thing dont work, it may sound good, but when it comes down to it, its really unnecessary


Active Member
i read in a previous post that you can add pineapple juice to fowering plants when you begin to flush one week out of harvesting,im gona try it this grow,i will let you know.


the only thing that will evaporate is the water in the juice so you'll just end up with a more concentrated grape juice in your cup


Well-Known Member
i use that sweet and really i just dont think it did any thing. i mean the smoke was sweet but it was suppost to be sweet.


Well-Known Member
swwet int make much of a differnce,seemed to change color abit,i think not 100percent i used it at 6 weeks then crazy colours came out,puples and reddish hues


Active Member
everything ive ever heard like this is what scientific manner could you explain to me how or why simply putting a cup of grape juice next to a plant would do ANYTHING.....i dont wanna be one of those negative guys, but this question man...really?? plants use things they need, and dont use things they dont need...they are living things, if you put a cup of feces next to them its not gonna make your weed taste like shit man...THINK...


Well-Known Member
everything ive ever heard like this is what scientific manner could you explain to me how or why simply putting a cup of grape juice next to a plant would do ANYTHING.....i dont wanna be one of those negative guys, but this question man...really?? plants use things they need, and dont use things they dont need...they are living things, if you put a cup of feces next to them its not gonna make your weed taste like shit man...THINK...
o my that laugh is still going to funny man.


Well-Known Member
I dont recommend pouring fruit juice into your plants. Fruit juice is high in acid for one. The sugars will break down and either breed mold or form alcohol, which you dont want touching your roots. If you want your weed to taste like grape, eat a jolly rancher while you smoke.