Curled Seedling


Active Member
a seed was germinated on paper-towel, a few days later after the shell had cracked and a sprout showed itself it was planted into a jiffy pot filled with my soil mix and placed in a closet with mediocre lighting (just a quick set up until a grow box with proper lighting is finished... soon). the seed sat under the soil for a couple days, but i woke up today and i see the sprout had come up quite a bit overnight, but it's curled... really curled, to the point in which it almost comes out of the ground, and twists around until the end of the sprout is almost pointing up again.... any ideas? is it allright?


Well-Known Member
If you leave it alone it might be, got any pictures. we like pictures. A picture can be like a thousand words. There have been times when just a little nudge in the right spot could save a seed that is just a little off. If the seed pod is not impeded, ie. you can see it, leave it alone. If its not strong enough to lift on its own you might not want it anyway. If the seed pod is not visable, there maybe something you could do to help. You must be precise, gently, and stop breathing while you do. IF WE SAW A PICTURE WE MIGHT BE ABLE TO HELP. PLease. VV