Curling, dry leafs - flowering stage


Active Member

This is my first grow and I would like to know if this is normal.
My plants have been flowering for 44 days now. The leafs are starting to curl and the edges are starting to dry. Is this normal at this stage? Or is my temp too high? It stays at around 80-82 right now during the light cycle.

Any advice is appreciated and welcome.

may want to lay off the nitrogen, if your 44 days into flower your leaves should be yellowing out then dying off, well at least by that stage my leaves are starting to yellow out that almost looks like nitrogen toxicity, aka nitrogen claw. other then that beautiful plants
just dont give ure plants any nitrogen, the nutrients you buy should have some kind of an N-P-K value N is nitrogen P is phosphorus and K is Potassium nitrogen and potassium are what you want to give your plants during veg and phosphorus and potassium are what you want during flower, give your plants less nitrogen and more phosphorus at this stage your plants will love you for it, possibly consider doing some kind of flush to get excess nitrogen out of your soil