day 11 of flowering!!! check it out!


Active Member
been a little while since an update...

well i'm into my 11th day of flowering. tiny little buds are forming EVERYWHERE!! it really is a beautiful sight and this is my favorite part of growing is to watch something so complex happen right in front of me. i love it. and it loves me.

the last 2 waterings i've fed them 50% PBProbloom soil and 50% PBPgro and about 3 mL of Cal Mag + per gal and 5 mL of Liquid Karma...everythings lookin good right now!!! next watering i will give em just water, 1/4 strength karma...and their weekly dosage of Grandma's Molasses...things are good!!!

my clones however, are not doing so well...lookin really weak...lost 4 of em 8 (kinda) left....i think its due to sprayin em too much and not letting em do their thing...i have a lot to learn in this department...

also check out the pic of the 2 leaves...what do ya'll think it is? i'm thinkin its a calcium i gave it that little boost of calmag...

leave some love and advice please!!!
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Well-Known Member
Looking good and healthy! Lots of branching, did you top, tie down or what?

Regarding the leaves, I'm not much of an expert on deficiencies, but I'd guess too much water or humidity


Well-Known Member
hey man, nice grow u got goin there.. how many hours are your clones under light? they are recommended to be on for 24 hours.. do u use any nutrients in ur try? also recommended. If your using rockwool you need to let the cubes soak for 24 hours in water thats ph balanced around 5.5 becuz the glue in them has a more alkaline balance, i would add really low nutes as well. spray the clones and dome once a day, and leave the vents open on the dome for an hour once a day aswell.. ive bin really successful with these simple methods.

right now i have my dome under my 1000watt HPS off to the side becuz i have no room or lights available seperately for it. the HPS is on 18/6 on a light mover flowering 2 of my autogrower's (first harvest ever, so i am def. excited, will flush once more on the 28th :)) and my clones seem to do just fine, i use "rapid rooter's" instead of rockwool if i can, no screwing around with balancing the ph level.. but if u need any more help let me know i'll do my best, u probly know more then i do but hope this was useful. oh ya and the leaves, that happends sometimes, but if ur loosing clones to this then ya add some nutes and slow up on the spraying.

here is my grow>>>>


Active Member
shit man that's your first grow?! you had some serious $ to drop on that shit! impressive! as for the clones, i had em on 24 hours for a week...and i put a couple drops of thrive alive b1 red in the bottom of the tray with about 2 cups of water and that brought the water level up to where water was barely coming in through the holes. last time i cloned, i ended up getting roots after completely ignoring them for about 3 days while my mom was in town to maybe somethin like that will happen again.

as far as all the tops/branches on my flowering plants...i did the technique where you squeeze the stem to get the main tops to bend down while the other tops catch up...i don't like topping cuz i don't like wasting the time on beefing only 2 other tops when this method lets you keep your main cola while also having other new main colas.

humidity is pretty low in the room, doesn't ever get above 40%


Well-Known Member
dont mind if im repeating i just took this post from another thread where i helped someone else in the same situation. but ya that has happend to me, i actually took clones from a dieing outdoor plant that was half way thru flowering and had the dome just under 2 CFLs in a closet in my basement where it was cold and musky.. so i got some mold in the dome but didnt take care of them at all for like 2 weeks and boom roots still i found it amusing cuz i was so concerned the first time around where i only did 3 clones.. this time i just left them to c how much attention they really needed. and now im booming with clones, i have way too many plants going lol.. and ya if u notice all the stuff highlighted in red on my "first grow-lots of equipment" thread i got all of that stuff from a friend for a half ounce of purple kush, and i used to sell at the time so it was only like $100 for me, my nutrients i got as a kit for only $100 and i slowly purchased new bulbs etc.

good luck with the clones tho. take it ez

you want to get a good root system going.. period, they are the heart and soil of your plant. now like the other posts suggest you can transplant right after you see roots about an inch long come out of what ever "starter" your using, rockwool etc. (i use rapid rooter's). but i would personally get those roots as long as you can, someone told me to try to get them as long as the cutting you took (around 5 inches). this is so the plant grows alot faster and gets all uptake of food you give it. if your just using a tray and humidity dome with some florescent lights then you should be fine, very simple:

-keep the lights on 24 hours
-spray clones and dome with ph balanced water once a day
-open vents, or keep dome slightly open for one hour a day (best to spray after this)
-use some low veg. nutrients and fill tray (about 500ml or less depending on size of tray, mine holds 50 rapid rooter's) (replace every 3 days ruffly) (might not have to do this if you stay on top of things and make sure it stays really moist in the dome)