

Active Member
Does anybody know if it is possible to defeminize a strain of weed? I'm considering growing Barney's Dr. Grinspoon (only availabel feminized), but I don't really have the space to keep clones and don't want to have to keep reordering seeds. So, I've been attempting to produce seeds from my current plants (last batch was 100% female:wall:) and was thinking about the possibility of crossing Grinspoon with my Honey B's (assuming I have some males this go round, but coming up with hermies is something (if I were to cross 'em) I'd like to avoid. If I did need to clone how much space would be needed? Like a PC case maybe? larger?
Thanks -


Active Member
I'd like to keep them separate, but that doesn't seem like it's going to be possible without forcing the Grinspopn to go hermie, so right now I'm thinking hybrid and then backcross.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Well, yeah you have to hermie a feminized or clone only strain to get the pollen you need, unless you cross it with something, then backcross it to try and get the original genetics back.


Active Member
This might be more of a long term project... While on the subject, what do you guys think about Nirvana's plants? Before I ordered from Attitude, I was looking at some of their plants, specifically Papaya and Swiss Cheese and was thinking I might grow some when the batch I've got going now is done.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
No experience with Nirvana yet, their on my list of vendors to add to my stockpile.

As far as breeding goes, there is a lot to it if you want to do it right. If you happen to pop a male bean in the future, mess around with it and do a little bit to start out with and see what you think. You have to mad scientist it first, then get around to the details.


Active Member
Go mad scientist on it huh? That's good news, that's what I end up doing with most everything. MUAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Yeah, my current experiment is to force two clones to hermie and cross pollinate each other. Each strain has unique properties and I want to see how the genetics flow from parent to child. In the future, I'd love to really concentrate on developing a new strain, but for now I'm just perfecting my techniques.


Sometimes I think feminized seeds were a government counter-intelligence and biowarfare experiment, created in order to poison the gene pool and completely eradicate the plant from the face of the Earth.

But then I read threads like this and's just stoners.


Active Member
I always thought it might be a conspiracy by some of the growers, trying to keep certain strains out of other folks' gene pools. Otherwise, I just don't understand why some strains can't be had in regular seed.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
I think you may be confusing what feminized means. It's non sterile, you can cross it back with any male and make seeds. If you want more feminized seeds you pollinate it with a hermie from the same strain instead. There really is no defeminizing process, it just means that the seed was created by using pollen with no male chromosomes.

Are you saying you want a male plant of that strain?

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Yes, I want some males. I need a plant (or two) with some balls...
Ah, i see. Yeah, I am looking for a male now too, but im going to stick with something like a sour diesel or train wreck, one of the strains that I like. Once I find a good stud, I'm gonna hit every feminized seed I have with it, plus try and make my own fem seeds. I know it won't be the same strain, but I'm looking for quality, not name brands.

As for my Dr. Grinspoon, I'm gonna just grow it, clone it, run it, then move on. Just want to do it for the experience, but I don't think it'll be my main strain.

Good luck!


Active Member
It'd be awesome if you throw up a post when it's done. I'm not looking to make it my main either, unless it really is as awesome as it's advertised to be. If that's the case, I'll deal.


in essence you could generate seeds by using the silver thiosulfate method to force male flowers on a female plant. BUT, the seeds will be female only just as the ones from the seed banks and you might get inbreed depression if your original seeds are from a single plant.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Colloidal silver is easier and safer to acquire, and there are a ton of write ups on here.

Has anyone ever pollinated a plant with it's own pollen and see how the seeds compared to taking that same pollen and pollinating another female? Everyone assumes that it would have weak genetics because a human impregnating a sibling would produce mutants, but is there actually proof somewhere that it happens with plants?


Active Member
Actually, even with humans (most mammals really) the chances of genetic abnormalities in a close-inbred F1 generation of offspring is extremely low, assuming there no pre-existing conditions to take into consideration. It's usually only in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and subsequent rounds of inbreeding that you tend to get flipper babies. With plants and their own pollen, unless there were weak genes already present, I suspect that it would take a very long time to develop problems since since you'd just be recombining the same genetics over and over. The only reason this doesn't hold for people is that we aren't bred nearly as carefully as our plants. Most cannabis has essentially been through a thorough eugenics program, cleaning most of the scum out of the gene pool (so to speak). If people did that, you could probably marry your cousins with no worries about producing kids who have a strange affinity for banjo music...