Dealing with drug screens


Active Member
So here's my story, 7 years ago I got a job of a lifetime, ill just say its a union job. They don't require a drug screen at the time of hire, and in the first 5yrs I was tested zero times...

For those 5yrs I tried to stay clean, but ended up replacing pot with pain pills, then replaced the pills with Heroin. So then one day I got into an accident at work, and they sent me for a drug screen... I tested positive but the hospital reported it as negative screen. I know what your thinking but it's true, I failed for opiates and when I spoke with their MRO he said oh must have eaten poppy seeds. "Yep that's it..."

So taking that as a sign from god, I got my shit together. Problem is Im unhappy, I'm living a very unfulfilling life, with little to look forward to. And I'm in my mid 20's,I'm single, and living in my own home(hot tub and all lol)

So really I should be having the time of my life, or at the least wanna wake up on my days off.
Since then they have tested me 2 other times, at random.

Anyways, as of recently I came across an old friend and we smoked together I couldn't be happier. Not just while I was high but for a few days after. So since then I've been smoking, and I'm happy, but I can't imagine what ill do if I get caught by one of our ultra rare random drug test.

So I've been thinking about it and if I continue to smoke I need to have some kind of insurance, just incase.

I've been looking at buying a device similar to the wizzinator. Actually the one off that serious mokey site.

The way our company works is if you fail your 1st test your suspended for 1 month, and you have to take some classes.
The 2nd time your gone for 1yr and you have to take classes.

3rd time, your gone for good, no exceptions.

When they come to test us, they call us into the office, they notify us that their testing and to get ready (start drinking) both of my last Randoms I had about an hr between the time they notified me and the time I pissed. And they don't exactly supervise us while we prepare, like I was aloud to walk down to my car for a cigarette.

So I figure if I have a back up on me, In my book bag that I carry on me all day, I could get prepared for the test.
Then when you go to take the test depending on who's administering the test, they either stand in the restroom with you (but they don't really look)or they just send you into a stall by your self.

And worse comes to worse since technically I've never failed before,so Ill have a month off of work and ill have to stop.

So if you've read this far, thank you, and I'm looking for feedback...

Do you think I'm taking too much of a risk? Should I just "man up", quit and be miserable for the rest of my life, probably dieing a young death from a heart attack...

I'm thinking if I have the synthetic urine and I'm on my guard at work, ill be fine...
What do you think? I know I'm not the only one dealing with their job invading their privacy, so how are y'all dealing with it?

Thanks in advance,
"peace and love!"... "peace and love!"
go back to school and promote into supervision.....that's what I did. No random drug testing of supervisors! I eventually became Superintendent. I eventually retired after 25 years working a workplace that had a random drug test program.........smoking the whole time......They only test supervisors 'for cause', I never gave them one......good luck
go back to school and promote into supervision.....that's what I did. No random drug testing of supervisors! I eventually became Superintendent. I eventually retired after 25 years working a workplace that had a random drug test program.........smoking the whole time......They only test supervisors 'for cause', I never gave them one......good luck
Thanks for suffering thru my long post and thank you for the reply.
But they test our supervisors as well... Lol Plus something i left out, I'm a high school drop out making 60k a year, working 4 days a week. Our college educated supervisors only make about 30k.

So when it comes to my job, I've got it made. I got paid 35$ for typing up the original post :) , so yeah I'm not giving up my job, that's why I've stayed clean for the past 3 yrs. I wouldn't say I'm clinically depressed, but pot definitely makes me happy and if it can help me stay sane for another 23yrs till I can retire I feel like its worth a shot.
good luck.Do you know how many pot heads get chewed up and spit out? Better save your pennies b/c its a dead end street
Some people would say your unhappiness is due to some unresolved issue from your past and that should be worked through so you don't seek happiness in a drug.
Other people may say if Cannabis makes you happy and doesn't interfer with your responsibilites then you should be fine using it.

Is the job a transferable one or a move to a legal state a viable option? I'm not sure how it will work with Unions and testing in Co. and Wa. I am curious to know if the unions in those places will protect it's workers from prosectution for using a legal substance or not.
I got laid off a high paying job a while ago, nothing drug related but I must tell you it's so hard to find good job these days. Despite the improving economy and having a college degree I'm having a hell of a time.

I used to dine at the various nice restaurants in the area and have plenty to do on the weekends. Now I clip coupons and shop at the Dollar Tree, my weekends often are comprised of dusting off old items to sell on craigslist so I don't loose my house.

Great employment is often not fully appreciated until you loose it.

I'd say don't smoke or just wait until you get caught the first time and take the 30 day option then never smoke again. Carrying that dong around will probably eventually be found out by accident or bad luck, you'd look worse. It would appear that you have be gaming, or attempting to game the drug tests for years. If you get caught the one time you can make a somewhat plausible story for one time use. (were drunk with some chick in bed and she pulled out a joint, etc. Something a supervisor could relate to)

I've enjoyed prosperity and have tasted poverty, I personally wouldn't risk it.

Good luck
Some people would say your unhappiness is due to some unresolved issue from your past and that should be worked through so you don't seek happiness in a drug.
Other people may say if Cannabis makes you happy and doesn't interfer with your responsibilites then you should be fine using it.

Is the job a transferable one or a move to a legal state a viable option? I'm not sure how it will work with Unions and testing in Co. and Wa. I am curious to know if the unions in those places will protect it's workers from prosectution for using a legal substance or not.

weather you are in a legal state or not,a dirty UA is a dirty UA
I ran into an old supervisor a few weeks ago and we talked for an hour.
He was surprised to even see me alive let alone see me how I am now days.
Back then I was a functioning alcoholic and worked for a Saw Mill called Sierra Pacific.
I remember the boss and mill supervisor calling me in to the office and telling me if I didn't drink so much I could run the crew.
"actually Tim we don't even know how you still have a job here"... Because , I'm the best swinging dick you got on the crew.
I would come in drunk or badly hung over or just call in sick, they all knew what I was doing.
So any way no he see's me and like what happened? Your sober??? I looked at him and told him that now I was
free to smoke weed, no more worrying about loosing my job. I could be a drunk but smoking weed would get you finished.
I also told him that I quit smoking ciggs. a year later.
Marijuana helps with withdrawals..
Sorry for your suffering..
If you are trying to beat a test I would say the biggest factor besides clean urine is the temperature. They will only accept the sample if it is within a few degrees of normal body temperature.
I feel you dirtsurf, was that the Sierra Pacific mill in Sonora?......I found out while I was still in the Army, that MJ help with PTSD. The times I had to "clean up" for jobs, only made me turn to alcohol or worse. Once I got one of those good jobs I found out that Supervisors weren't subject to the same random drug test. So I stayed clean and went to night school full time and work days. Got my BA in 5 years. Became a supervisor the next year, was actually "acting supervisor" for my final year in college. California passed prop 215 the same year! Bought a house with a full basement and well?..........good luck young man it's sometimes difficult to have your cake & eat it too....
I ran into an old supervisor a few weeks ago and we talked for an hour.
He was surprised to even see me alive let alone see me how I am now days.
Back then I was a functioning alcoholic and worked for a Saw Mill called Sierra Pacific.
I remember the boss and mill supervisor calling me in to the office and telling me if I didn't drink so much I could run the crew.
"actually Tim we don't even know how you still have a job here"... Because , I'm the best swinging dick you got on the crew.
I would come in drunk or badly hung over or just call in sick, they all knew what I was doing.
So any way no he see's me and like what happened? Your sober??? I looked at him and told him that now I was
free to smoke weed, no more worrying about loosing my job. I could be a drunk but smoking weed would get you finished.
I also told him that I quit smoking ciggs. a year later.
Marijuana helps with withdrawals..
Sorry for your suffering..

and you still have 10 fingers. Not every man can say that. You can usually spot a person that ran saws and cable tools for a living
So if you've read this far, thank you, and I'm looking for feedback...

Do you think I'm taking too much of a risk? Should I just "man up", quit and be miserable for the rest of my life, probably dieing a young death from a heart attack... .....snip......

First I think you should stop over dramatizing. So you escape on heroin to be happy and now you are going to substitute pot? If you are unhappy with your reality, change it, don't hide from it. As for dying from a heart attack because you aren't using drugs the reverse is usually the bigger issue. As for pain, exercise.

This is your life, live it sentiently.
I feel you dirtsurf, was that the Sierra Pacific mill in Sonora?......I found out while I was still in the Army, that MJ help with PTSD. The times I had to "clean up" for jobs, only made me turn to alcohol or worse. Once I got one of those good jobs I found out that Supervisors weren't subject to the same random drug test. So I stayed clean and went to night school full time and work days. Got my BA in 5 years. Became a supervisor the next year, was actually "acting supervisor" for my final year in college. California passed prop 215 the same year! Bought a house with a full basement and well?..........good luck young man it's sometimes difficult to have your cake & eat it too....
No but mu best friend died there from a bad fall :( I was in Burney.. But don't tell any one :0 LOL.

and you still have 10 fingers. Not every man can say that. You can usually spot a person that ran saws and cable tools for a living
Nope got all mine I ran cranes did machinist work on lathes and milling machines certified wielder, did all the major layouts ( cause I had a Metric tape measure, Another story..)
I built the machine, the machine NEVER worked me..:)
If you're really that miserable you should see a Doctor and try antidepressants. They can help and you won't get busted in a UA.

  • prosectution for using a legal substance or not.




Excellent! Prosecution and prostitution all rolled into one! Yah I'm good with that. I'm going to start calling my DA friends prosectutes.

I love how engritch is evolving, it's participatory evolution in action, I love it, embrace the bobsled.
Since opiates are your thing just get a script for them

Does not mater how old the script is it's good for life when it comes to drug tests (at least in NY)