deals going down right next door


Well-Known Member
ok so ive been dealing with this issue for quite some time now. my neighbors next door are doing deals say and night. cars here there and everywhere; alley, the front of the house, cars ;parked right in front of my house , cars on the corner of my house. this is getting to be big bullshit and its not their house its their parents house they are living in. karma is a bitch so reporting anonymously is out of the question, but im temped to talk to the dude about this shit being in front of my house i cant have that kind attion on me. but is there anything else i could do?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i would advise him to deal away from his house dont shit and eat at the same place. that is the easiest way to get raided for selling. it would just be words of advice and could help you out also. maybe make up a story about how a friend or you got caught selling out their home. i would so be careful silas cops are dumb and make mistakes. they raid the wrong house all the time. so if you hear something like that dont grab to gun to quick.


Well-Known Member
Are you growing legally? If you are I wouldn't worry about it. Are these kids old enough to live there by themselves or is the parents living somewhere else, so they can do what they want whenever they want? If that's the case I can only say go and talk to the people living there and tell them that you don't appeciate cars being parked in front of your house, but be polite about it. Don't try to piss them off so they don't decide to fuck with your shit. Or you can just do what


Undercover Mod
Don't confront them if you are their neighbor it will only start a war.

Most sheriff departments have anonymous tip line. You gotta do what you gotta do.
Even if they just step up patrols in the area the traffic will go down.


Well-Known Member
You cant narc them out for heaven's sake...I am not sure what you should do...other than just try to ignore it...people are going to do what they are going to


Well-Known Member
yeah. don't narc. that's terrible and the last option. i'm down with the "heads up, my friend got busted last week dealing out of his house. cops had been watching for a while." kind of story. be chill about it but let them know it has you spooked. a lot of dealers get so caught up in making that dime that they don't think about stuff like that, and you know their buyers aren't bitching or mentioning it. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Don't confront them if you are their neighbor it will only start a war.

Most sheriff departments have anonymous tip line. You gotta do what you gotta do.
Even if they just step up patrols in the area the traffic will go down.
youre just a prick that needs to GROW SOME BALLS

also op...dont be worried about it. if there that stupid to deal from where thye live regardless. having cars back n front. it wont be long before the heat comes. but if its on them and youre not having any involvement with them thats a good thing for u if the heats on them its not on u. just be cleaver and just let it play its self out for now

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
fuck that shit, call the tip line turn there ass in, as a property owner i do not tollerate any bs on my street we pay taxes and spend money to keep our homes and yards cared for, for what you to have a nice neiborhood to deal drugs in, dont think so.... our you could grow some balls and go tell the fucker look i know your dealing stop your business around my house or i come back with a asskickin and a 45 auto, and reasure compliance with the threat turning there asses in , if citezens tolerated less bs like this crime would not run rampant and instill fear in good citzens, and if you have kids and let this shit happen you are as bad as the drug dealer if you do nothing about it


Well-Known Member
fuck that shit, call the tip line turn there ass in, as a property owner i do not tollerate any bs on my street we pay taxes and spend money to keep our homes and yards cared for, for what you to have a nice neiborhood to deal drugs in, dont think so.... our you could grow some balls and go tell the fucker look i know your dealing stop your business around my house or i come back with a asskickin and a 45 auto, and reasure compliance with the threat turning there asses in , if citezens tolerated less bs like this crime would not run rampant and instill fear in good citzens, and if you have kids and let this shit happen you are as bad as the drug dealer if you do nothing about it
do you really believe that...that fi were all turned nosey grassing twats the world would be a better place


Active Member
Fuck that go over there with it on your hip and a wife beater on , knock on the door and tell them look its non of my business what your doing here but you make it my business when your business leaks out in front and around my home , I've turned a blind eye for to long and you took advantage this is the first and only time I will address this issuse with you... Good Day.

joliet jake

Active Member
Send an anonymous letter by mail or even better send it certified. :) and put the return address as "the neighbor hood watch" n main st.
that will freeek him out. :bigjoint:


Global Moderator
Staff member
Fuck that go over there with it on your hip and a wife beater on , knock on the door and tell them look its non of my business what your doing here but you make it my business when your business leaks out in front and around my home , I've turned a blind eye for to long and you took advantage this is the first and only time I will address this issuse with you... Good Day.
Capital idea - you are giving a wheelchair bound man great advice.
Take a gun to a known drug house & threaten them.
What could possibly go wrong ?


Well-Known Member
If u talk to the guy and he just happens to get busted,he may point that shit at you thinking u narced on him.So it may come back to haunt you in a bad way.


Well-Known Member
Just call the cops anonymously, your only calling them because their disrespecting you as a neighbor, not because they deal drugs. People are getting butt hurt on here because they think your snitching, but your not. Your just calling so they stop parking in front of your house. If they get busted for drugs too, well that's their problem. They're dealing drugs, don't treat your neighbors like shit then. If anything, it's karma biting them in the ass for disrespecting people.


Well-Known Member
I give that a 9/10 on the snitch scale
But he is doing the right thing. If he has to be a "snitch" for wanting respect from a NEIGHBOR, then thats fucked up. He can't go over there and talk it out with them, who knows if they're nice or not, he is in a wheelchair and physically can't do anything. So then it leaves the last option, to tell the pigs they won't stop parking in front of his house and to give them a talk. Pretty simple. But like somebody else said, you gotta do what you gotta do.