Dear RollItUp


Well-Known Member
Ever clam bake in a car w/out the radio? As suggested by Mogie, this is a thread for ppl to get shit off their chest n get advise from others. explain your situation n ask ur question.

be sure to clearly state who ur advise is aimed at, incase two or more members are awaiting responses


New Member
I've got my foot stuck up my dog's ass... it's been there for a couple of days now and it's starting to cut off the blood supply.

Anyone know of any pills or something to get the blood going again?


Well-Known Member
I heard some people on another thread talking about Ambien. Maybe that would help. Let me get my cfl's and look.


Well-Known Member
prob would be similar to avoiding frostbite. make sure you wiggle your toes around alot and avoid cats.


Well-Known Member
People sending personal messages asking questions that should be posted for all to see is becoming a big problem. There are people who are talking about quitting over this issue. This abuse has to stop.


Well-Known Member
people stating "this is the only way to do something". we each have are own ways. there are no rights and wrongs. just positive and negative results. what NEVER works for one individual ONLY works for another. we must remember alot of this is new to all of us (and i've been doing it since the 70's). i mean someone cloned a LEAF. betcha someone somewhere said "You can't do that".


Well-Known Member
Post your questions. That way you can get a variety of responses and a wealth of experience will come in the answers. But bombarding certain people with vague questions is becoming abusive to the point of running good people off of this site. Please be responsible in your messaging.


New Member
Hey mogie, I gather you have a particular problem in this regard?

Such a shame, that everyone that pm's like this probably won't even read this thread.