Deer Season Starts Monday


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure this is the right place to post, I think a moderator hooked me up with a RIU hunting 5hread. Maybe again?
Anyway, it's the tree stand or the trim chair, never the two shall meet. Smoking's cool if you're scouting unarmed or checking trail cams I guess. But never smoke and hunt. I can sit in my stand and dream of what I got waiting after I get home.
And there's nothing like having the munchies and chowing down venison jerky either. So yummy.
Meat in the freezer, weed in the jars, wifey making applesauce, yeah, it's fall.
I'm not sure this is the right place to post, I think a moderator hooked me up with a RIU hunting 5hread. Maybe again?
Anyway, it's the tree stand or the trim chair, never the two shall meet. Smoking's cool if you're scouting unarmed or checking trail cams I guess. But never smoke and hunt. I can sit in my stand and dream of what I got waiting after I get home.
And there's nothing like having the munchies and chowing down venison jerky either. So yummy.
Meat in the freezer, weed in the jars, wifey making applesauce, yeah, it's fall.
I've had many deer approach me from downwind as I'm puffing away
I harvested over a hundred and never was busted by one for weed
Couldn’t agee more. Exactly my findings. I remember one morning the father in law was bent over a stone wall hurling from hanging with the youngins too late lol and a 7 and 9 pointer came down the run right to him. Layed them both down. To this day i think they thought his puking was a hot doe or maybe fawn in distress lmao. Good times
Couldn’t agee more. Exactly my findings. I remember one morning the father in law was bent over a stone wall hurling from hanging with the youngins too late lol and a 7 and 9 pointer came down the run right to him. Layed them both down. To this day i think they thought his puking was a hot doe or maybe fawn in distress lmao. Good times
I had four bucks right around my tree stand eating acorns .I sneezed full out,they never even looked.They sneeze too ,I've heard them.Also had them come looking when I was assembling stands and when calling Turkeys.
They’re really curious critters lol sometimes I think it’s better to be noisy than quiet im sure their instincts key right in on something that sounds like it’s hunting and not lost haha
They’re really curious critters lol sometimes I think it’s better to be noisy than quiet im sure their instincts key right in on something that sounds like it’s hunting and not lost haha
We actually were working on ways to minimize the sound of footsteps in dry woods.We decided on a long sorta cape around and making a constant dragging sound.It will work but it not
Sounds like them milling around for acorns probably. We have a pretty big safety orange requirement so if i get shot at i may have to return fire lol happy easter
I'm not sure this is the right place to post, I think a moderator hooked me up with a RIU hunting 5hread. Maybe again?
Anyway, it's the tree stand or the trim chair, never the two shall meet. Smoking's cool if you're scouting unarmed or checking trail cams I guess. But never smoke and hunt. I can sit in my stand and dream of what I got waiting after I get home.
And there's nothing like having the munchies and chowing down venison jerky either. So yummy.
Meat in the freezer, weed in the jars, wifey making applesauce, yeah, it's fall.
Honestly I think if you're not playing the wind and just letting them bust you it doesn't matter weed or not. Same thing the other way around.
I often smoke at camp but I always save the blunts for after the hunts. It's never seemed to matter that I smell like cannabis in some way shape or form. I think if they wind you, you're done.
Absolutely alot has too do with where your hunting imo. Example if you hunt lots of small neighborhood lots I think the deer have alot more tolerance to human smells since it’s hey pretty much smell and encounter them constantly versus a big woods hunt we’re they seldom encounter it. The deer in my area know your dogs name and wich ones are on leash
Absolutely alot has too do with where your hunting imo. Example if you hunt lots of small neighborhood lots I think the deer have alot more tolerance to human smells since it’s hey pretty much smell and encounter them constantly versus a big woods hunt we’re they seldom encounter it. The deer in my area know your dogs name and wich ones are on leash
Very true, they are incredibly intuitive animals. They seem to know when they are in danger, and act accordingly.
Oh they know when they’re in danger i just don’t think neighborhood deer blow out at the first bad whiff like in the bigger woods
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Am stoked to try out my new ghillie suit thus season. It's not a full on sniper suit, but top and bottom pullover. Gotta order my scent free stuff this week. Amazing how much difference scent control can make.
I've had many deer approach me from downwind as I'm puffing away
I harvested over a hundred and never was busted by one for weed

Me too!! For a several years running I smoked deer while smoking from my favorite green glass bowl, like 1st or 2nd puff...bang! Got to be my lucky charm and when I finally broke it I buried the shards at the base of the stand. Didn't work though, had a 3yr dry run immediately following that.
Funny enough I was sitting in a little bend waiting for the wind to shift a little so I could drop into this canyon where I know elk hang out. Well as I waited for about an hour I puffed away on my dab pen every so often and just chilled. As soon as I felt the wind switch I put the pen away and decided to do some light calling, arrow knocked of course, and within 60 seconds of putting the pen away and calling I had 7 different elk walk straight at me to less than 30 yards. I had no idea they were even there until I drew back, and the fallen pine trees in front of me exploded. There's more to the story but my point here is they didn't seem bothered by the cannabis at all.
Tis the season. My buddy had a 6x at 18 yards today but was a full on front shot, he passed. Had another one at 80 yards, way out. I said well, if conditions were perfect, I'd of shot with my xbow. Perfect meaning no wind, in a field, broadside. I have above average skill with my xbow, but if there was brush, wind, other animals, any detriment to the shot no way. That said, I've popped 3 out of 3 8" balloons at 100 yds. Made a $100 on that deal. Not for the first, but for the 2nd 2.
That said, I've never taken a 100 shot at an animal, but, if conditions were perfect...
Tis the season. My buddy had a 6x at 18 yards today but was a full on front shot, he passed. Had another one at 80 yards, way out. I said well, if conditions were perfect, I'd of shot with my xbow. Perfect meaning no wind, in a field, broadside. I have above average skill with my xbow, but if there was brush, wind, other animals, any detriment to the shot no way. That said, I've popped 3 out of 3 8" balloons at 100 yds. Made a $100 on that deal. Not for the first, but for the 2nd 2.
That said, I've never taken a 100 shot at an animal, but, if conditions were perfect...
There's some pretty decent bucks up where I've been hunting. Daughter and I had 2 massive 4 points walk out in front of us at 10 yards, the bigger of the 2 was super wide and crazy tall we're talking like 180 or better. Too bad it wasn't a buck hunt, so those guys loved.
There were these tanks running with some smaller bucks and a few doe within a couple hundred yards of some guys looking the opposite direction. Watched them feed away from them for like 45 minutes before they disappeared over the ridge. I don't think anyone saw them but me.


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Also tis the season for some honkers as well. With the huge take of 45 I usually just pull the breasts and give the rest to my lobster buddy to grind up for his bait bags. To much time to scald and the pluck pluck BS.
They are pretty much at nuisance levels in Southern MA.