Denver Post seeks marijuana editor

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
And they say there are no good jobs out there anymore. The Denver Post is seeking a new section editor to "oversee the maintenance and development of a recreational marijuana website." Paging Willie Nelson!

From their website


Well-Known Member
that would be an awesome job! ive wanted to move out to CO for a while but dont want to move out there with growing being my only job.


Well-Known Member
IDK, hightimes is like big corpo of the weed industry. They put out good stuff but they back robbers like NL grow boxes and other bullshit products which makes me lose interest/faith in them.


Well-Known Member
Id take a mod, unpaid, position on here over an editor/writer for hightimes gettin paid.

I just cant back anyone that pushes bullshit.

And thats why riu sponsors htg and places of quality not just whoever pays them the most.
It is nice that we are living in an age where the Denver Post is doing this. Nice to come out of the shadows and into the nice warm sunshine!


Well-Known Member
The Denver Post is a shit paper that still pushes anti-marijuana propaganda.
They are dirty whores sucking at the evil teat of Babylon.

Fuck them and their employees.

/captain buzzkil