dieing plant- HELP


Well-Known Member
i have a plant that is 6 wks into flowering and all of a sudden its starting to look really bad. first a few leaves where yellowing and dieing, almost no growth and now i'm starting to get leaf tips browning, necrosis in alot of leaves and some malformed growth. right now i'm trying to keep it alive one day at a time just to try and finish her out. i don't know if i can get another 2 wks or so out of her but i'll try. would i be better off letting it die and then harvest??? thank you in advance


Well-Known Member
pics would help. some amount of dying off is ex[ected as flowering is the last stage of the plants life. fan leaves should look pretty dead by harvest


Well-Known Member
all the sun leaves were killed off by a tragic over nute accident.. i guess my main question is should i just try to nurse it along or chop it now??


Well-Known Member
i'm in the process of flushing now, if for the only reason i don't think the plant will live much longer.