distracted driving fines of $1500 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,for what you ask? lol


Well-Known Member
  • “talking and using a mobile device
  • texting
  • reading (e.g. books, maps)
  • programming a GPS
  • watching videos
  • eating or drinking
  • smoking or vaping
  • grooming
  • adjusting the radio
  • listening to extremely loud music
  • talking to passengers”

this otta be good lol
With all the newer cars coming out with giant video screens on the dashboard how is anyone not going to be driving distracted?

Just new rules to push everyone into getting autonomous cars as soon as they are available. Just punch in your destination and go to sleep while Big Brother watches over you. China is leading the way so we'll all be good little bio-robots in the future that thankfully I won't be here to see.
With all the newer cars coming out with giant video screens on the dashboard how is anyone not going to be driving distracted?

Just new rules to push everyone into getting autonomous cars as soon as they are available. Just punch in your destination and go to sleep while Big Brother watches over you. China is leading the way so we'll all be good little bio-robots in the future that thankfully I won't be here to see.
You make a good point with the autonomous car statement.
well if distracted behind the wheel u can cause damage or kill someone I wonder why they have these types of things
Cant fix stupid. Fines wont fix it either.
Anyone that watches tv, reads the paper, or texts while driving should have been eliminated as children. Unfortunately helmets and other safety changes have made natural selection less effective
Yes I agree with all that...
The problem here is that I could possibly get a fine for drinking my morning coffee while having a smoke and talking to my buddy that is sitting in passenger seat while I drive to work?

I mean obviously most cops wouldn't bother you but still.... some are complete assholes.
Yes I agree with all that...
The problem here is that I could possibly get a fine for drinking my morning coffee while having a smoke and talking to my buddy that is sitting in passenger seat while I drive to work?

I mean obviously most cops wouldn't bother you but still.... some are complete assholes.

We're all becoming members of the 'Nanny State' now. If some cop tried to ticket me for drinking a coffee while driving I'd spit it in his face and at least get hauled away for a real crime like assaulting a peace officer. lol
Any special powers granted to police are for their benefit, not ours. This is an excuse to invade your privacy whenever the fuck they want, and will be used to bully anyone they profile as an undesirable.
I was literally hit 3 times in a row last week at a single stop light. When i got out of the car, she took the phone from her ear, waved, and mouthed sorry to me.