Do I Have Insomnia & Would It Be Better If I smoke Weed?

Hey there im 18 and i think i suffer from insomnia. I have been having problems sleeping at nights and I Really want to know before i go to see a doctor if i do have insomnia?is it sever?. i just want to make a notice if i do. I know for sure the doctors are going to want to prescribe me with sleeping pills!umm no ima refuse to take pills from the doctors!why because i have heard that young people have od on sleeping pills or have had them when they were young and now have health problems. i want to know that if when i go to the doctors also can i talk to him about marijuana. well my general question here is if i have insomnia. sorry if i kind of dont make no sense i just havent got any sleep for the past 24 hours. please ant advice questions or anything in general that would help please let me know! tahnk you


Active Member
hey there dude, yes certainly weed would help, have an indica type weed and it will knock you out.

it will help you get your sleeping hat on, but try not to be dependent on it for sleep, just have it to get you into shape then slowly ween off it.


Well-Known Member
Not only that, if you don't fall asleep, you will def. enjoy your awake period... Stoned as a mofo!! Get professional advice as well...


Well-Known Member
i would say it would help

i hate the way doctors push harmful pills on kids. i was prescribed adderral(amphetamine)for ADHD from kindergarden to 8th grade when i refused to take it this was also the same year i began to smoke marijuana and i found it calmed me down and made me focus more. the adderal was terrible for my body as well i am still very underweight and i still get regular MRI's for my heart. i tihnk theres a video on youtube about the affects of marijuana and adhd
a joint deffo helps induce a good night sleep, different strains do diff things, look for a good indica with a strong coutchlock effect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sweet dreams


Well-Known Member
i can, but i dont truly enjoy eating unless im baked. found out theres an eating disorder of habitual marijuana smokers
i have a friend with insomnia and though sometimes weed helps its usually something else that is causing her not to get the sleep (somethings on her mind).
im a proud supporter of smoking myself i deal with bi-polar depression and it has helped me. but let me tell you one thing if you have an addictive personality you may want to think twice because it is great to be high but when you cant afford to purchase it then you may find yourself at an even lower low.
make your decision based on your feelings though and dont let any peer pressure or people telling you that its bad either. most of the time weed helps with psychological problems by masking them and talking usually helps more so feel free to add me on