Do I really need Nutes?


Active Member
Hey guys this is my first grow i am 2 1/2 weeks into veg Looks amazing like 3 nodes i got the 3 leaves 5 leaves then 7 leaves on each node lvl. Some little leaves growing from the bottom. I was wondering if i really need nutes and is it to early to flower at week 3 its about 5 inchs tall very bushy. Thanks Guys i am using MG Organic Water every 3-4 days when soil feels dry up to my second nuckle. i have 4 26 watt Daylights 24/0. Thanks


Well-Known Member
yes you need nutes! Everything does but from what I understand are you using MG organic potting soil mix? If so I believe it has quick and continuous release ferts in the mix already. I would say go ahead and try some but only use the nutes at a 1/4 strnegth so you dont fry your plants do to adding to much of what its already got.You can flower (12/12) from seed so whenevver you ready to go...go! But longer vegging wouldnt hurt. Turn those lights down to 18/6 then switch to 12/12. Also get you some warm lighting b4 you switch over to flower. Look in the stickies above on this page it will steer you right with lighting. Good luck!


Active Member
Nice idea about the 18/6 how long should i run it for b4 12/12. What kinda nutes should i get like which numbers XX-XX-XX?


Well-Known Member
You have to remember that it's very dependent on the lighting you have, the nutes you use, the grow medium, and the strain of plant you have on when you should induce flowering. It's safe to induce flowering generally after the 4th or 5th node has appeared, but as previous poster stated, you COULD start 12/12 immediately from seed if you don't care much about quantity.

Brick Top

New Member
I was wondering if i really need nutes and is it to early to flower at week 3 its about 5 inchs tall very bushy.

You only need nutes if you want healthy vigorous growing heavy producing high potency plants. If the opposite is what you are shooting for then by all means do not use any nutes.

As to if you can flower that soon, well yes you can. The hormone that is triggered by the flowering light cycle, 12 hours of darkness or more at a time, is in each plant at all times so you can flower whenever you wish. If you have height restrictions/limitations and need to keep your plants short or if you have weak lighting and it cannot supply adequate light to taller plants then go ahead and throw them into flower. Just do not expect large plants and a heavy yield.