Do my plants look healthy?


need nitrogen or to much nitrogen? If they need what should I give them? I have a hydro store close by and lots of hardware stores.


Well-Known Member
Anybody have a quick response? I'm out getting some supplies right now so if I need to pick something else up I could. offense bro but a stop at the bookstore for a copy of Jorge Cervante's latest book might be something you should consider, never hurts to have a few reference books in your library, i personally have several and while i don't read them much anymore, they were an invaluable tool to me when i was first learning my chops.

...keep in mind also that while this is new to you, it ain't new so ANYTHING you can think to ask has already BEEN asked MANY times and what that means is that with some proactive effort on your part you won't have to either wait for your answers nor trust that they will be the RIGHT answers.

...also, when, as a new person, you ask a simple question and then wait for answers you will more often than not get several conflicting answers from other noobs who don't know much more than you, ...they all WANT to help but most are unqualified so at the end of the day you come away more confused than you were before you asked your question.

so the best way to learn your chops is first to start popping beans, experience will always be your best teacher and then start a grow diary where you document everything you do and be sure to include pictures, this way others can follow along and offer admiration or suggestion wherever appropriate. ...this thread will become your school AND your history so in a year you can go back to the beginning and you'll see how much you've grown, as a grower.

you should also begin exploring the older, longer threads with particular attention to the sticky's because those threads didn't become sticky's just 'cause they had catchy titles but because they contain MUCH useful information. ...what you want to do is begin searching for those who have grows that makes sense to you and that are obviously successful and then try to emulate those grows.

...believe me man, the more proactive you get, the more homework you do for yourself, the quicker you will achieve your goals.

peace, bozo


Member offense bro but a stop at the bookstore for a copy of Jorge Cervante's latest book might be something you should consider, never hurts to have a few reference books in your library, i personally have several and while i don't read them much anymore, they were an invaluable tool to me when i was first learning my chops.

...keep in mind also that while this is new to you, it ain't new so ANYTHING you can think to ask has already BEEN asked MANY times and what that means is that with some proactive effort on your part you won't have to either wait for your answers nor trust that they will be the RIGHT answers.

...also, when, as a new person, you ask a simple question and then wait for answers you will more often than not get several conflicting answers from other noobs who don't know much more than you, ...they all WANT to help but most are unqualified so at the end of the day you come away more confused than you were before you asked your question.

so the best way to learn your chops is first to start popping beans, experience will always be your best teacher and then start a grow diary where you document everything you do and be sure to include pictures, this way others can follow along and offer admiration or suggestion wherever appropriate. ...this thread will become your school AND your history so in a year you can go back to the beginning and you'll see how much you've grown, as a grower.

you should also begin exploring the older, longer threads with particular attention to the sticky's because those threads didn't become sticky's just 'cause they had catchy titles but because they contain MUCH useful information. ...what you want to do is begin searching for those who have grows that makes sense to you and that are obviously successful and then try to emulate those grows.

...believe me man, the more proactive you get, the more homework you do for yourself, the quicker you will achieve your goals.

peace, bozo
I know I could have found the correct answers. I wasn't at home at the time so I couldn't really research and I figured if somebody could let me know really quick then I could pick up whatever I need since I was already out and about.


Active Member
Maybe the rest of the fox farm schedule ... and some calmag. Why only one of the 3, meaning big bloom? I haven't used ff in a while, so I don't know what it calls for anymore. Calmag is a must for my plants.


Well-Known Member
second that Bozo

and may I add, the reason you often get some noobish and/or conflicting advice and experience growers don't jump to your rescue, is that its basic knowledge's

get a basic understanding of what it means to grow plants, indoors, keep reading, lots of guides out there and of course some grow bibles like mention above
that also allow you to ask "better" question and understand the answer so to speak, and safe the more experience growers to answer the question for the million time and get the feeling that they put more in to your grow then you do

you could start here:


Well-Known Member
FF Big Bloom
Get yourself some Grow Big, for now, and Tiger bloom for later. Follow the schedule but watch your plants carefully, you may need to back off a bit here and there. Cal Mag too as smokinnafatty said fo sho...and maybe FF bloom boosters if you want. They look hungry....


Well-Known Member
I'll tell ya're getting conflicting advice from experience have to find what works for you, such as..your tap water, is it good and have a good PH? I don't use Cal-Mag because my tap water has enough calcium in it already so I add epsom salts to my mix...epsom salts=Mag...and also I don't mess with nutes hardly anymore cause I use ...this IMHO is the best thing for soil growers, yes it's a little pricey, but well worth it cause it's care free, just water and watch em grow...but if I need them I have Humbldt Organics nutrient luck with whatever you do...and FYI...I started in MG soil with MG nutes and did pretty good out of the gate with my first grow


Well-Known Member
I will big up some grow big and Tiger Bloom. I will feed them the Big Grow ASAP. Thanks guys.
...get that book bro 'cause it's knowledge you lack, not products. ...knowledge will tell you with certainty what products you need, right now all you can do is take someone elses word.
