Do you get more high when you think?


Well-Known Member
I have always found that when I get high and have deep talks with people, or I read and think about stuff here on rollitup (pause for a bong hit) I get even more relaxed and even higher than if I watch TV and get baked. I have also noticed it takes less if I am driving and smoking (been doing it since 15 with my learners) to get me in a "happy" place (buzzed not baked, I am driving)well dealing with rush hour. Anyone else notice that the more you use your mind when smoking the higher you get?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
kind of, and i kind of know what u mean.

i hate rush hour traffic and it pisses me off some of the dick heads on the road but after a joint... just 1, then im nice an relaxed and can just smile at idiots. sit back and listen to the radio.

applies to other things as well. when watching something on TV and smoking, id generally pay more attention.

but yeah...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I just get so mad at stuipd drivers, but if I take a few hits from my "car" pipe, next thing I know I'm just watching break lights and thinking about why the world goes round.....instead of screaming, yelling and wanting to ram other drivers off the road!


Well-Known Member
That's why I don't get high with my friends that much. They act like they are retarded or something. I like to relax and think...


Well-Known Member
I think it's the trying to think that shows you how you're already stoned enough. When you're watching tv you can just keep on smoking out of habit or not realize that you really don't need those extra hits cause it doesn't matter and you aren't thinking about "am I too stoned". I do the same all the time.

See now I'm feeling too stoned and can't seem to put together the above two sentences properly. I'll put the shit down for a sec.


Well-Known Member
I think it's the trying to think that shows you how you're already stoned enough. When you're watching tv you can just keep on smoking out of habit or not realize that you really don't need those extra hits cause it doesn't matter and you aren't thinking about "am I too stoned". I do the same all the time.

See now I'm feeling too stoned and can't seem to put together the above two sentences properly. I'll put the shit down for a sec.
That is totally it! When you are "aware" of your high it is better


New Member
My brain races really fast, if I get high it slows the brain pace to where I can keep up with it. That helps me ponder such intense thoughts such as "what should I make for dinner tonight" or "what if C..A..T.. really spells dog?"

Yes is also makes me more relaxed when driving. If weed were legal there'd be a huge cutdown on road rage.

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
"The reason I pulled you over was...Have you been thinkin' this evening?"

To which he replied, " I,ve had one thought this evening, Officer. But I don't think I'm thunk."