Dolomite lime: How to add to soilless mix?


Active Member
ok i know im a noob ..

i made my soilless mix myself
60% peat 20% perlite 20% vermiculite.
Did not add dolimite lime when making the soilless mixture.

Now that i realize my problem (plant run-off being very low ph and growth stunted)
how can i add lime to my pots without having to transplant?

Can i just top feed and water it into the pots?
if so how much lime should i use per 1 gal pot?

day8 009.jpg


Well-Known Member
I deff know you should not put it on top of the soil like top dressing. I'd mix it with your soil....I'd do some research on actual mixtures and how much you should be using.


Well-Known Member
I myself would just use plan water when flushing. I'm not really sure how you can work the Dolomite Lime in after the plants are already in there final pots? I'd just wait till next round and watch your plants very close and check PH daily.


Well-Known Member
your best bet is to water with high PH water, try water that has sat in dolomite lime, other limestones are faster acting.
I'd repot with proper soil if I were you.


Active Member
ok so i've flushed with clean water runoff now @ 6.5ph added 1/8th teaspoon ground dolomite lime to the last 2L of water during the flushing and gently worked it into the top 1.5" of soil during the flush will monitor ph runoff very closly..

next feed will be 1/2str AN, MGB + some superthrive.