Drip-System +Granular= best for soil?


So I've been getting (rapid growth) using a 24/7 drip system over granular organic miracle-gro fertilizer.

I think it could be the best method for soil.

Any experience with drip-systems over granular?
What is the gallon per hour drip that you run? And when u say 24/7 does that mean constant drip? I’m looking to do something similar outdoors with gravity instead of pump
What is the gallon per hour drip that you run? And when u say 24/7 does that mean constant drip? I’m looking to do something similar outdoors with gravity instead of pump
To be completely honest I'm using a garden hose. But infact dripping on organic granular for 48hrs total has demonstrated rapid growth.
So how are you working round not saturating your soil?
It’s a blumat system. It only starts dripping water when the soil needs it. I’ve had the system running for about 3 weeks so far and it works incredibly well. One thing that’s really nice about it is that I’ve been able to visually see how much the plants require each day and I’ve been able to see how much more they require on warmer days. The only time I manually pour anything into my pots is when I give each plant about 1.5L of compost tea once a week.
People should say blumat not drip system, you confuse me.

It’s a blumat system. It only starts dripping water when the soil needs it. I’ve had the system running for about 3 weeks so far and it works incredibly well. One thing that’s really nice about it is that I’ve been able to visually see how much the plants require each day and I’ve been able to see how much more they require on warmer days. The only time I manually pour anything into my pots is when I give each plant about 1.5L of compost tea once a week.
An automated one not passive which is the impression i get when you say drip system.
Do you also assume every car has a manual transmission until someone specifies theirs has an automatic transmission? You said you’ve never seen a soil grow work on a drip system before, you didn’t specify that you’ve never seen a soil grow work on a drip system without a controlling valve. BTW, a blumat system is still a passive system. Mine has no external energy sources driving it, the “sensor” is just a water filled cone, that releases pressure from the valve at the top, when the water in the soil begins to dry out. Then the water comes through with no power or pumps...it’s just gravity fed.