Droopy sproutings?


Well-Known Member
Im about 6-7 days into my newly hatched seedling/sprouts but have been noticing over the past few days the first 2 leafs that appear have somewhat taking on a droopy effect. Im clueless and have also been checking the moisture of the soil. Im worried about them................Any clues? Also there is no yellowing present.



Well-Known Member
I gave 4 26watt 6500k daylight cfl's and 2 26watt 3000k soft-white cfl's. Im also using Miracle grow Organic mix with "proper airflow" and temps at around 75.0-78.0 degrees. For some reason the seem really fragile.



Well-Known Member
I would lay off the neuts for a bit because they are still pretty new and they can't realy handel it, and the room temp that I have my plants in is around 20C.

How far is the lights from the plants ?


Well-Known Member
A few inches the lights are. As for nutes i haven't introduced them yet.



Well-Known Member
A few inches the lights are. As for nutes i haven't introduced them yet.

if you are able to get a bit of fish watter you might be able to get away with mixing a bit of the fish watter with the non nuted water that your giving them


Well-Known Member
What do you mean? They do look a little better this morning. Im still keeping a close eye on them. Thanks anyways:-)


jay cas

Well-Known Member
try and get the lights closer, like 1 inch away, its pretty normal fo the seedlings to be flimsey for the first couple weeks. if you feel they need upport, gentley tie to a stck