Hello members i am a royal dutch army vet, i smoked al my way through my service haha. We call weed wiet, Just the same as you guys use dollar as your currency name, ours is daalder . We where so sweet that when we visite new Amsterdam back in the the days, to borrow many words and stuff. But our leaders where so stupide to sell new Amsterdam for some cariebien islands. If they didn't do that you alle where speaking dutch instead of English
now you taken over out best product wiet. In the netherlands not so much really good seeds available. And the last pffff many States in your country legalize it in some kind of way. Here it gets tighter every year. I got more hobby's then just growing(Just started) maby i can tell it here somewhere but not now. I would be honoured of you can tell me where i can find good strong, but more inportend tasty wiet-seeds.
Mzzl Jordy.
Ps. Hope my English is readable

Mzzl Jordy.
Ps. Hope my English is readable