Early plant sex...


Well-Known Member
Can I tell what sex my plant is within the first couple of weeks after germination? Any help or comment is greatly appreciated, especially if it is from experience.:mrgreen:


You wont be able to tell until its about 6-8weeks vegging or 2 weeks into flowering(about) some may show a little earlier/later.


Well-Known Member
hmm, if you could post some pictures it could help more. but as far as early sexing, yes you can, but they have to be somewhat into the veg. state. when they start to develope bud sites, you cant tell for sure.


Well-Known Member
The reason why I am asking this is because I want to grow 7 different strains from seed and I don't have enough space for 7 different strains times 10 seeds= 70 plants!!!! I can only afford the space for half of these plants....The FEMALES. How can I grow 7 different strains from scratch without having enough space to spare for males? should I just do a few at a time or is there some short cut around this?

Also has anyone ever bought seeds from this site?
PlanetSkunk [ Superior Genetics - Worldwide Delivery ]


Well-Known Member
get feminized seeds. or just grow as many as you can at a time. and rip out the males, then start more plants, and rip out the males again if there are any.
after you see your first male, its eaiser to tell when they are males early.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
id just scrap the 7 different strains at once idea ........you could be really unlucky and pick a male seed from each bag lol and believe me it could happen as each seed you take from each bag is about a 50/ 50 chance of being m/f ....if it was me m8 id pick two strains to start with and germinate say 5 of each ...then you have a good chance of getting a couple of females . good luck


Well-Known Member
I would defintely say invest and buy all female seeds from a seed shop. You will probably save money and time in the long run knowing all of your seeds are female. Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
I would defintely say invest and buy all female seeds from a seed shop. You will probably save money and time in the long run knowing all of your seeds are female. Good luck!!!
I agree but where can I get these females seeds...I need an online site that has alot of different strains...


Well-Known Member
Feminized seeds are not quarenteed to all be female. Read all of the information. If you are going to use 2 6'x6' tents to grow in you can get all 70 seedling in this space without any problem at all. I can put 100 seedlings on a 3' by 18"wide shelf. Cull out any that aren't healthy and transplant the healthy ones into 4" pots just to get the roots nicely developed. Lets say you end up with 60 because you did really well. If 1/2 turn out to be males you would have room for 2 4'x4' tables and that is 16sq ft. At 1 sqft./plant, you could even beat the odds and have room for thirty two females. You just can't start them in 3 Gallon pots.


Well-Known Member
I would defintely say invest and buy all female seeds from a seed shop. You will probably save money and time in the long run knowing all of your seeds are female. Good luck!!!
...and watch one turn hermie you don't notice and fuck up your entire crop!

beanie man

Active Member
hay can any one help with my new seedlings looking a bit strechy is all lost they are about one week old and two inches with just one small set of leafs my light was quite far away envirolite please help dam expensive seeds need hope ps how close can i go


Well-Known Member
hay can any one help with my new seedlings looking a bit strechy is all lost they are about one week old and two inches with just one small set of leafs my light was quite far away envirolite please help dam expensive seeds need hope ps how close can i go
A question usually better asked before starting the entire process. Envirolites are fluoro which means they generate almost no heat that will damage plants. Put the lights like an inch away from the tops of the plants. Let me know how you makeout growing with envirolites, I'm very interested.