Easiest Hydro For Noobs?


I have never grown in water about years dirt experience
I want to take things to the next level
What system is easiest with the most forgiving for errors

Any input guys ?
well imo the simplest is what @Just Be said just i would only worry about the temperature of the water so u might want a chiller of some sort for with gh 3 main nutes you'll be fine
That's true. I don't run the WF in the warmer weather but there are decent inexpensive chillers out there. Although, they might cost about as much as the WF itself.
That's true. I don't run the WF in the warmer weather but there are decent inexpensive chillers out there. Although, they might cost about as much as the WF itself.
yup but its just one of those things u should have in that type of hydro imo that's why I haven't moved to it once I have the power I def will.
Very interesting after coco what is next best ? DWC?
I would say so but I have no coco experience. One nice thing about the waterfarms is that they're a hybrid drip/RDWC so there's no shortage of dissolved oxygen and no shortage of modifications.
I would say so but I have no coco experience. One nice thing about the waterfarms is that they're a hybrid drip/RDWC so there's no shortage of dissolved oxygen and no shortage of modifications.
yes gotta agree just if the water gets to warm your plant could not do as well and could get root rot. but as op ask coco for me atleast I water anytime its dry I water with a little runoff but not a bunch but stay under 600ppm food feeds.
It's just my opinion, but it's just too simple to build your own R(ecirculating)DWC system. It doesn't require air stones/lines/pumps. The entire system uses gravity and one single pump to move water through the system. Also, unlike a lot of setups, an In-Line water pump can be plumbed our from the reservoir rather than using a submersible pump IN the reservoir which helps avoid heating up the water an awful lot.
The pumps there to supply a 3/4" manifold that branches to each site and reduces to 1/2" to create a waterfall. As the reservoir drains and the waterfalls fill the sites, the larger 2-3" black ABS piping is connecting all of them back to the reservoir, and feeds the pump.
It's just my opinion, but it's just too simple to build your own R(ecirculating)DWC system. It doesn't require air stones/lines/pumps. The entire system uses gravity and one single pump to move water through the system. Also, unlike a lot of setups, an In-Line water pump can be plumbed our from the reservoir rather than using a submersible pump IN the reservoir which helps avoid heating up the water an awful lot.
yes but u have to remember still having water go thru air is enough for it heat up a slight bit so their is that to so if your room is in the 80's and your water should be at 69f. At least from what I read that's a big difference sometimes my room even gets up in the upper 80s so its gonna be all diff for everyone. but the one pump idea is good u just need to split the pressure equally a type of manifold what would u use?
yes but u have to remember still having water go thru air is enough for it heat up a slight bit so their is that to so if your room is in the 80's and your water should be at 69f. At least from what I read that's a big difference sometimes my room even gets up in the upper 80s so its gonna be all diff for everyone. but the one pump idea is good u just need to split the pressure equally a type of manifold what would u use?
You certainly have to have seen the thread?

The miniature system uses an inline.