electric problem..


Hi all, i live in a small block of flats, on the landing outside my flat the is a light on the ceilling ,Would i be abel to wire tap into this electric souce and wire up 1or2 600wt lights. Please help me i need to no if its poss,,
thank you guys


Well-Known Member
Each light fixture or outlet is part of a circuit. The exterior light you have is part of other lights and outlets controlled by this circuit. Each circuit has a breaker in the main electrical panel. You should identify all of the lights/outlets on that circuit to determine what is connected to it. Once you do that you will have a better understanding of where you can draw power from.

You could theortically support 1-2 600 watt lights on any circuit that doesnt have other loads.


New Member
I don't think a 20 watt wiring would support a 600 watt lamp lol make sure the wire gauge is correct or the only fire ull produce will be the kind that burns down Ur house LOL


Active Member
Would i be abel to wire tap into this electric souce and wire up 1or2 600wt lights.
if you wana get caught... yes.

what happens if you damage/trip the supply and the owners investigate to find the fault then stumble onto your little operation? sounds daft to me.


thank mate, sounds like you no your electrics, i will take photos today and show you what i mean, and if you got time advise me what to do
thanks mate...

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
At first I was thinking you were trying to steal electricity,
then I read it again lol..
Pictures would help :D


Well-Known Member
wiring it from ur mains sounds more practical just switch it back 1 day out of every 5 for a full day to imitate your normal usage
[1 day in every 5 being that ur using 5 times more electric than usual]


Well-Known Member
wiring it from ur mains sounds more practical just switch it back 1 day out of every 5 for a full day to imitate your normal usage
[1 day in every 5 being that ur using 5 times more electric than usual]

Dont steal power, it is one sure way to get caught.


Well-Known Member
Dont steal power, it is one sure way to get caught.
sometimes its the only way to not get caught, electric companys register how much electric is being used by each house hold and are obligated to inform police of suspicious amounts or variations in usage, thats a fact.
SIPHONING electric is different and dangerous [in terms of getting caught] as whoever ur siphoning the electric from will see inflated bills, a guy i know paid a quilified electrician [a bent one] £1800 to run an armoured cable underground to his small factory setup which was rite next door to a recycling plant that used incinerators [wich he was siphoning from], on his way out of grow room an electric man [meter reader] walked over to him saiying can i read the meter in there thinkin on his feet he sed its just a store room but u can wonder round if u want, he paid the electricain more money to come rip the armoured cable out, sorry bout the gay story but its a real life testiment to how dodgy siphoning is, the amount of electric a recycling plant uses must be mind bogling and they still noticed that somethings not rite
heres one source of electric most people wont find practical but some people use to grow in caravans so iv hurd or refrigerated trailers but thats another gay story


Active Member
the electric companies love you using more electric as long as u pay for it, their not gonna alert the police because you use more than your neighbour


Well-Known Member
its not like im presuming this shit. its a fact.
sometimes u have to circamvent the electric meter so the amount ur using isnt registerd, a good way of doing this is to split ur main feed in to one that u pay and one u dont so u got a feed for growing with and ur normal feed [payed for]using tv, microwave that bollox but iv found it hard finding an electrician that will do it


Well-Known Member
its not like im presuming this shit. its a fact.
sometimes u have to circamvent the electric meter so the amount ur using isnt registerd, a good way of doing this is to split ur main feed in to one that u pay and one u dont so u got a feed for growing with and ur normal feed [payed for]using tv, microwave that bollox but iv found it hard finding an electrician that will do it
Probably because they could lose their license.

Problem is that the power companies regularly check their power lines for leakage. They can tell that you are drawing power illegally and will come out and investigate why more power is being drawn than metered.

You never have to circumvent the power, you just have to figure out a better setup.


Well-Known Member
"Probably because they could lose their license." thats it mate, if i had spent years at college i would nt risk it, but theres planty that will if the moneys rite

"Problem is that the power companies regularly check their power lines for leakage. They can tell that you are drawing power illegally and will come out and investigate why more power is being drawn than metered."
i thought this would be a problem too, they must have substations or something that power areas of a certain size but i thought wot SIZE?? must be a big area that each one is dedicated to hard for them to specify

"You never have to circumvent the power, you just have to figure out a better setup."
if ur clever enough i agree u dont theres always another source, if its a question of morals then theres a way round stealing power that will make sense, but if its a question of economics its imposible


Active Member
I dont know how it works across the pond but I am going to say yes... By the pictures you have you will need to figure out what the "load" is on that particular circut. It that picture you have your circut box? If it is then its will be almost impossible to tell what current is going where. Here in the states most modern homes have circut breakers that are responsible for no more than 6-10 sources (outlets,lights). What (I) would do if i had access like the last picture is put in a junction and run a receptical and try ONE light..Just my 2cents.....