Elementality's first grow


Active Member
Hey RIU,
This is my first grow.
Just finished building my cabinet.

I've been germinating the seeds for about a day now. gonna give it another day or so. 3 out of 3 popped.

Ill be vegging all of them but only flowering 2. Im planning on using one of them for a mother. Im working on the cabinet for the mother right now.

I have (5) 26w 6500K cfls and (2) 26w 2500K clfs for vegging.
And for flowering i was thinking (7) 2700K and (3) 6500K. I also have a 100w hps laying around and i was wondering if i should throw that in for flowering also.

Im using Happy Frog soil and will be using something like Grow Big for veg and Tiger Bloom/Big Bloom for flowering.

The plan is to do a LST or SCROG.

Let me know what you think. Any comments or advice is appreciated.



Active Member
After 2 days of germination seeds are finally in the soil. Its been about 24 hours since and they are starting to poke through. Should i be worried about the shells still on the leaves?

I also noticed some tiny little white bugs crawling around in the soil, are these bugs i should worry about, should i kill em off? Relative humidity is 35-50% Temps are 80-86F.
I have a humidifier in there right now, without it temps are about 77-79 and RH is 20-30% I was planning on removing the humidifier after a week or so of vegging.

But i really need some input on the bugs and what should be done.

Here are some pics of the setup and 2 of the 3 plants.



Active Member
Its the beginning of day 3 and the ladies are looking good.

One looks like a ritard.

Sorry about the cell phone pics, waiting on a new battery for the camera.

Not a whole lot to see yet.


Active Member
Subed man,hope my widow turns out as well as yours will. Like that your using a mixed spectrum in that,because of budget constraints brought on by accidentally buying to many 2700k thats also what I'm doing. Big props on the cabinet to,Mines not nearly as cool looking.


Active Member
The only thing i wish i would have done is have an exhaust for the lights. But its all a learning process im sure there are going to be a few more things ill change before the next grow.


Well-Known Member
The box looks awesome!
I would recommend putting an exhaust when you get the chance, it would help lower the temps and help the air flow.
Also when you will start flowering it will surly get hotter in there.

Other then that good luck! and keep'em green!


Active Member
well i have 2 80mm computer fans at the top for exhaust and 1 for the intake but i need to get an exhaust system on the lights.


Well-Known Member
it would really help when you start flowering.
it can make the difference between a CFL yield to an HPS yield.


Active Member
No argument about HSp's giving a higher yield but many growers have grown amazing weed with just cfls and as I pointed out their are benefits.