Emergency cutting during flowering??


Active Member
Alright, i have a 150w HPS in a 2 square foot grow box (heavily ventilated).. i obviously started flowering WAY to late. (37"x17"x13")

The top of the plant is now touching the glass just 3 weeks into flowering.. probably 70% of the bulk of the plant is under half the height of the box thought.. if i were to clip off the tall part would it continue flowering okay?

I don't mind popcorn bud, this is more of a proof of concept.. i just dont want to kill it~

Any input appreciated, its actually not burned yet.. its just now starting to bunch up against the glass..

I tried tying it down some, but the stem is VERY thick.. half inch diameter maybe? prolly just snap.. i could only get a little over 1.5 inches by bending it over


Well-Known Member
I may slow down after the cut is mad due to the stress but your girl will be fine in the long run. Harvest will be a little later then expected.GL


Well-Known Member
yeah i would just try to lst as much a possible, are you running a cool tube or air cooled light in there? cause if it doesnt get burnt while touching the glass you might be fine to let it grow. i would avoid cuttin the cola at all costs


Active Member
yeah i would just try to lst as much a possible, are you running a cool tube or air cooled light in there? cause if it doesnt get burnt while touching the glass you might be fine to let it grow. i would avoid cuttin the cola at all costs
Well i was gonna do a scrog grow next run, so i have some netting.. thought about tying it down may 1 inch from the light or so (so it doesnt snap) and installing the net there? lol.. i dunno

guess it would just grow thru the net to the light anyways.. the glass isnt like 'burn you' hot.. i can hold my hand on it, but its pretty hot

It's not a true cool tube, its just a normal hps system with a glass over it, with a hole cut in the side with a 120 cfm 4" outtake on it.. ghetto cool tube


Well-Known Member
Hm.. whatever you do, I think you should decide soon. I don't know how much hotter a MH is than a HPS(if it is at all), but I burnt the top of one of my budding plants, and a couple sets of leaves down from the top. I had to pull early as I saw the tip of the budding turning brown and getting hard. it was still 3-4 inches away from the MH. just a thought.. :joint:


Well-Known Member
well i would just try to keep it as far away as possible if it doesnt burn i would just let it go, sounds like you have pretty good vent on the light

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
well i would just try to keep it as far away as possible if it doesnt burn i would just let it go, sounds like you have pretty good vent on the light
Can you lay the plant on it's side and finish it that way? You'll have to right it for watering but it will work.