I desperately need some help on what to do here. I have a good bit of stuff i need to extract but im not sure how to go about it. I ran out of freezer space, and everclear became way too expensive and a bit hard to conceal tons of everclear bottles. I did some math on alcohol and found a cheaper alternative, its a chinese liquor that i get very cheap from an importer. Its 60% and comes in a 6L jug. I soaked my material for a few days then boiled 5L down to 1L. I knew once i got down to a higher water content, i would risk degradation. As it was boiling, I added some sugar and jello and made some sweet edibles. Problem is i cant sell or store jello. Obviously the mixture is full of nonpsychoactives like sugars,wax, chlorophyll, etc... due to high water content. Is there any simpler process to extract the oil out this mix such as freezing or mixing with oil? The only solution i have come up with is to boil/activate/evaporate the solution and then reconstitute with everclear and make a sort of tincture. The 6L boiled to 1L resulted in some very potent jelly, i would say 3g/teaspoon got me pretty fucked up. I would imagine boiling like 5L down to 800ml and then adding 200ml everclear would leave it 20% and homogeneous and still potent enough to mix with a soda. Im also assuming that it "binds" with alcohol and would be homogenous after mixing with soda? Thanks.