Every Dog has its day


Active Member
So previously I ordered a bubble bag system. For my first time ever I made a batch of bubble hash. The Hash was not bad for my first try and also since I stored the leaves for a few months. After making the hash I discarded the remains in the yard so it would naturally decompose. A few hours later I was in the yard and had discovered the pile of discarded hash gone. I was very puzzled and bewildered, then I noticed our doberman acting a little funny. It turns out she ate all the remains of the leaves and stems. I shit you not I have never seen a dog so stoned for so long. She slept for over a day and all she could do is eat and drink water. Now I know you guys are thinking I am neglecting my animals but this was purely a mistake and if I haden't actually encountered the same problem eating some brownies I would have rushed her straight to the ER. But since I knew exactly how she felt and what she was going through I let her sleep it off and the next day it was like she was a new dog. her athritis was not bothering her and her old age was not holding her back that day. I thought I would share this story for two reasons. One, our dogs can get high and two, the water and left overs from bubble hash is still potent and can fuck you up!
Keep on smoking and fight for your rights,
GreekSoldier420 :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Did the same thing with butter. Put the used leaves in a plastic bag and my dog got into it. She couldn't walk a straight line and she just layed on her pillow. I felt like such a dick!


Well-Known Member
i did the same thing almost too. my dog ate my entire ashtray after i had just finished scraping out my bowl for the first time in probably 6 months ( about 1/4 - 1/2 in. thick layer of resin). not to mention all the discarded ash and shit from cashed bowls for about a month. it was bad....... he slept for about 3 days almost, only ate and drank, had some trouble holding his piss. we acually did take him to the ER though cause we didn't know what was wrong until AFTER the doctor came back and informed us that we were missing a huge bag of weed. it's funny cause she acually said HUGE bag of weed.


Well-Known Member
hey even animals love the ganja and hell i don't blame them as long as my plants are in a safe place and out of their reach lmao.


Well-Known Member
Did the same thing with butter. Put the used leaves in a plastic bag and my dog got into it. She couldn't walk a straight line and she just layed on her pillow. I felt like such a dick!
i can relate to that :)

I thought my little jack russel had been bitten by a snake,had the staggers just laid down looking stupified could not stand up.

after 5 hours of this i thought no not a snake,so it dawned on me he might have had a nibble on my plants,no nothing munched up.

remembered i had made butter and thrown out the strained pot so out i go check the trash and sure enough he had eaten the lot. (about 3 oz worth)

i wonder if he has learnt not to eat out of the trash after his little experience..


Well-Known Member
My dog has had a similar expieriance i pulled about a 2 inch piece of resign from a bong stem and i let her sniff it. When she went to sniff it she ate the whole thing. I felt horrible she couldnt even walk to bed i had to carry her. she would stand up and then just fall over.


Well-Known Member
It's obvious how terrible this has made you all feel, but knowing that it turned out ok, it's funny as hell. I actually lol'ed.

Thanks for sharing.