Everyone... How old were you the first time you smoked bud?


Well-Known Member
For me, I was 12 and it was 1987. My older friends and I smoked out of a home-made bowl, (before glassware and head shops). I thought I wasn't getting anything, so I hit the bowl about 6 times more. Lmao, I was SOO baked for the rest of the day and woke up feeling mildly stoned the next morning with a terrible case of the munchies ;-)_~


Well-Known Member
I was 15 it was my first week of my sophomore year of highschool and me and some friends had the same lunch break. We went back to his house a few blocks from the school and picked up a bag of afghani x northern lights. We hopped in the car and cruised for about 30 minutes driving around burning some dank listening to Led Zeppelin how the west was won. I couldn't feel anything my first couple pulls off the chillum but gradually everything started feeling really warm and fuzzy and the scenery outside looked a lot more interesting. Then we finally made it back to school. I walked inside and felt like I was inside an ant farm because everyone was moving really fast but I was in slow motion walking baked through the halls. I finally went and found a seat in earth science and felt like I was in a dream.


Well-Known Member
No glassware and headshops in '87? Where are you from, Patagonia?
'67, jr. in HS. We used to go to Hollywood to the Psychadelic Supermarket


Well-Known Member
I was 15 it was my first week of my sophomore year of highschool and me and some friends had the same lunch break. We went back to his house a few blocks from the school and picked up a bag of afghani x northern lights. We hopped in the car and cruised for about 30 minutes driving around burning some dank listening to Led Zeppelin how the west was won. I couldn't feel anything my first couple pulls off the chillum but gradually everything started feeling really warm and fuzzy and the scenery outside looked a lot more interesting. Then we finally made it back to school. I walked inside and felt like I was inside an ant farm because everyone was moving really fast but I was in slow motion walking baked through the halls. I finally went and found a seat in earth science and felt like I was in a dream.
Haha.. !! Awesome story, thanks for sharing !! -


Well-Known Member
I was 14, found a pipe in the grass at lunchtime. It still had a bit packed in the bowl, I smoked it with my friend and didn't think it did anything. Then I sat down in English class and realized I was stoned. I used that pipe for a long time but lost it several years ago.


Well-Known Member
No glassware and headshops in '87? Where are you from, Patagonia?
Lmao, at the time we lived in a very small community in the South and none of us had ever seen a head shop at age 12 / I think it is reasonable to assume that at that age, one hasn't yet been exposed to such things as a head shop, no matter where you live-


Well-Known Member
I was 12 and skipped class to go to a friends house and then wondered around town at night for countless hours, or it seemed that way anyways. It was love at first hit. I will never forget it. I'll never look back.


Well-Known Member
I was like 16-17 first time, Did not know how to really in-hail since i was not yet a smoker, did not get high, my friends did and we had taco bell, my one friend ran over a huge fucking median and fucked his car up a bit leaving the drive through .

The more interesting time was when i first got stoned. I was about 20-21, and was a smoker at this point. Me and a buddy went on a ride with my gf too. We took our motorcycles to some state park here in FL, it was like n hour n change away, about a hundred miles. But we ride fast (sportbikes at the time). My brilliant friend mike pulls out some huge ass joint (thick as fuck) , him and my gf toke up a bit and I said why not give it another whirl? I start smoking this shit, the next thing i know Everything is on repeat, I'm fading in and out of consciousness and blacking out sporadically, can't stand up, or hold a conversation, and I have cold sweats like a mother fucker, no food or drink and remember im a hundred miles from home, on a motorcycle.
So an hour or so passes, Mike starts to freak out (messed up eye and cant see well at night) so he wants to leave before sundown, I'm still blacking out randomly. The park is now closing, I get it together after a few attempts, enough to sit on the bike and fight to stay conscious. We leave (both of them high as well). Stop at gas station first thing i think is lots of water and something to eat. I grab the hugest fucking thing of water , and a snickers and put it on the counter to check out. The clerk is talking to me (in my head i know hes telling me some random shit mixed with the total for the food, although I CANT hear anything he says its completely blocked out) I get my credit or debit card out and go to hand it to him, and black out right infront of the fucking store clerk while trying to hand him my shit. I wake up on the floor of the damn gas station with both my gf and friend (seemingly starting to freak the fuck out) helping me up. The gf broke my fall and helped me to the ground as i went limp. The store clerk is now asking if he needs to call ambulance (Now instantly I'm thinking AMBULANCE/911 = POLICE, FUCK THAT!) My buddy mike in a moment of brilliance tells the store clerk im a diabetic and need sugar (thus explaining the passing out, and water and snickers bar epic-ly), I sit on the curb outside with them it is now dark and drink and eat... Eventually I feel conscious enough to ride, and start on my long journey home. (all the while feeling as though i was in a dream while dying on the side of the road, and the dream was showing me the mins/hours leading to my death), during the ride home i was having brief lapses of consciousness my gf had to keep poking squeezing or punching me in the sides to keep me awake (very dangerous and stupid) All while I did like 55 on the interstate? She kept telling me to speed up, because i would randomly let off the throttle and drop 10-15 mph, lucky for me at this point I already had over half a decade riding experience, and a steady throttle hand so for the most part all i did was lock my throttle hand and i could maintain speed pretty well, Don't know how i managed to navigate, etc...But eventually I walked in the door, passed out in bed and had that special kind of sleep you only get when your body and mind think you just went through hell and back, and survived.

Not the most pleasant experience, but I gave marijuana another chance about half year later, and since then its been gravy. Although To this day I admit to being quite the lightweight.


Well-Known Member
I was like 16-17 first time, Did not know how to really in-hail since i was not yet a smoker, did not get high, my friends did and we had taco bell, my one friend ran over a huge fucking median and fucked his car up a bit leaving the drive through .

The more interesting time was when i first got stoned. I was about 20-21, and was a smoker at this point. Me and a buddy went on a ride with my gf too. We took our motorcycles to some state park here in FL, it was like n hour n change away, about a hundred miles. But we ride fast (sportbikes at the time). My brilliant friend mike pulls out some huge ass joint (thick as fuck) , him and my gf toke up a bit and I said why not give it another whirl? I start smoking this shit, the next thing i know Everything is on repeat, I'm fading in and out of consciousness and blacking out sporadically, can't stand up, or hold a conversation, and I have cold sweats like a mother fucker, no food or drink and remember im a hundred miles from home, on a motorcycle.
So an hour or so passes, Mike starts to freak out (messed up eye and cant see well at night) so he wants to leave before sundown, I'm still blacking out randomly. The park is now closing, I get it together after a few attempts, enough to sit on the bike and fight to stay conscious. We leave (both of them high as well). Stop at gas station first thing i think is lots of water and something to eat. I grab the hugest fucking thing of water , and a snickers and put it on the counter to check out. The clerk is talking to me (in my head i know hes telling me some random shit mixed with the total for the food, although I CANT hear anything he says its completely blocked out) I get my credit or debit card out and go to hand it to him, and black out right infront of the fucking store clerk while trying to hand him my shit. I wake up on the floor of the damn gas station with both my gf and friend (seemingly starting to freak the fuck out) helping me up. The gf broke my fall and helped me to the ground as i went limp. The store clerk is now asking if he needs to call ambulance (Now instantly I'm thinking AMBULANCE/911 = POLICE, FUCK THAT!) My buddy mike in a moment of brilliance tells the store clerk im a diabetic and need sugar (thus explaining the passing out, and water and snickers bar epic-ly), I sit on the curb outside with them it is now dark and drink and eat... Eventually I feel conscious enough to ride, and start on my long journey home. (all the while feeling as though i was in a dream while dying on the side of the road, and the dream was showing me the mins/hours leading to my death), during the ride home i was having brief lapses of consciousness my gf had to keep poking squeezing or punching me in the sides to keep me awake (very dangerous and stupid) All while I did like 55 on the interstate? She kept telling me to speed up, because i would randomly let off the throttle and drop 10-15 mph, lucky for me at this point I already had over half a decade riding experience, and a steady throttle hand so for the most part all i did was lock my throttle hand and i could maintain speed pretty well, Don't know how i managed to navigate, etc...But eventually I walked in the door, passed out in bed and had that special kind of sleep you only get when your body and mind think you just went through hell and back, and survived.

Not the most pleasant experience, but I gave marijuana another chance about half year later, and since then its been gravy. Although To this day I admit to being quite the lightweight.
Great Story dude, sounds like a real blast from the past/ keep 'em coming RIU ;-)_~

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
16yrs old, I smoked some really old shake with my friend. Digging thru storage. We found a small wood box with a twist spot. When we twisted it open a spring loaded empty metal cig popped up. Next to it a stash spot with old shake. We got a good buzz, but terrible taste lol
I seldomly smoked after that, but when I did it was just small hits from pipes or joints. My first bong hit (17), was another thing all together. I was beyond super baked, Felt like my brain was in "strobe light mode". I walk 1/4 mile home which lasted forever lol once I made it, I threw up and had to take a nap.
It was soon after that I bought my first glass bong :)


Well-Known Member
I was 13 or 14 first time I got high I was handed a hamdful of weed and like 6 joints and was told to start smoking. At first I did not know how to inhales so I swallowed the first couple hits then started inhaling I was so stoned. It was at my buddies parents halfway house they had a escort service pretty badass blowjobs galore for like2 bucks but I was so stupid gimp etc my friends and I were so stoned hungry thirsty we stole the neighbors car drove to the gas station at roughly 2 in the morning. Everyone with me was 12-14 no license etc. We go in I have my friends hding me up under each arm as I am straight geeking like a bitch pokice officer walks in and questions us. we lie left in the car got back into neigjborhood and put the car in a ditch. We then walked back to the house smoked more and passed out for along time that.I had so much fun that night I wish I could do it again


Active Member
I was 12.Me and a mate went to where all the 'big boys' hung out and got all the roaches lying around and opened them all and made a j.First time I was wrecked was a few weeks later,made a pipe out a pen and a cork!
I had a cracking small wooden pipe I got when I was 13/14,smoked literly kgs through it and tolk it everywhere,it got half inched out my house one night when I had a party when I was 24,fucking gutted I was to lose that


Well-Known Member
12 years old. I remember this was the first time I ever got the feeling of being "stuck". When I got my senses back I was fist deep in a carton of ice cream , smiling and dancing with the wall . ice cream on the floor and table but not in my bowl. Good ol days

Morbid Angel

Well-Known Member
I don't remember. But I do remember when I was 11 I went to visit some fam who happened to have cash crops on their farm. I went into a pit and found a hermie. I was 11 and I had the knowledge to pick out one hermie branch in the field and report it to my stunned family who where all wtf?! holy shit this kid found a hermie and know what pot is...


Well-Known Member
When I was 6, I found my teenage brother's stash of "orange barrels" acid in the fridge. I thought they were candy, so I ate all 6 of them. When my brother realized what happened, because I was screaming and running all over the place, he and his friends started blowing hash in my face to get me to calm down. I didn't smoke on purpose until I was 8. I was a little nervous about my date with the 14 year old girl next door, so I snuck a few hits off of my brother's stash. It made our date really weird because she was mentally challenged and I kept staring at her face. I stuck to smoking alone for the next couple of years until I met my first crew.