Fan Requirements For Cooltube And Carbon Scrubber


hey everyone,
i am planning to build a grow closet (200cm x 90cm x 60cm)
my first choice of light is 250w hps ( i guess its enough for 60 x 90 cm area)
and i will be using a 200m3 carbon scrubber which is the smallest i can get)
my problem is that i cant decide what kind of fans to use. stealth and silence is top priority for me. so i need to use a silent model. my options are using a soler palau td 350/125 silent which works 380m3/h and attach both scrubber and cooltube to it. problem with this fan is it is huge like 47 x 26 x 21 cm and i have to make a lot of curves with the duct if i use this set up.
or i can purchase to soler palau td silent 160/100 N 180m3/h. one for cooltube, take air from outside and blowing it outside ( two 90 degree angles on the duct) an one for the scrubber.( one 90degree angle). since i live in a very hot region heat is really going to be an issue for me.
i really need advice because i am not familiar with fans an their performance.
are these fans enough or too much for the set ups i described? or would a regular axial 180 m3/h fan work with cooltube closed ventilation system / td 160/100 be enough for both scrubber and cooltube / or should i just use cfl lights to prevent heat issues(i am not sure how good buds grow with them? the salesman tells me to buy the 250/100 or 350/125 fan and use it for both scrubber and cooltube but i am not sure. as i told before silence and heat is very important for me. i seek everyones advice. thanx