fertilizer ??'s

T macc

Well-Known Member
2 quick questions,,

Can Alaska Fish Emulsion be used instead of Maxicrop Liquid Seaweed?

Is there anything i can use instead of Bat Guano that has the same NPK?



Well-Known Member
2 quick questions,,

Can Alaska Fish Emulsion be used instead of Maxicrop Liquid Seaweed?

Is there anything i can use instead of Bat Guano that has the same NPK?

1.) https://www.rollitup.org/organics/38161-alaska-fish-emulsion.html

2.) Bat guano is the ultimate 100 percent natural fertilizer. It comes straight from the butts of bats, into your yard or garden. Farmers and gardeners have used bat guano as a fertilizer for hundreds of years. It wasn't until recently that inorganic fertilizers have become popular enough for people to forget that there is a natural option that works just as well!

The manufacturers of this product state that they follow the high standards of Bat Conservation International, so you can feel good about buying this natural garden and bat-friendly fertilizer. Bat guano has a high humus content and works great as a soil builder and fertilizer. It is rated as a 10-3-1 fertilizer

T macc

Well-Known Member

the reason I ask if i can use blood meal is because theres no bat guano in my city! lol So do you think I will be ok with the blood meal?


Well-Known Member
2 quick questions,,

Can Alaska Fish Emulsion be used instead of Maxicrop Liquid Seaweed?

Is there anything i can use instead of Bat Guano that has the same NPK?

1. No. AFE is usually for nitrogen and veg growth, and the seaweed/kelp stuff is for micros nutes, and K mostly. It's like substituting a red apple with an orange.

2. Yeah, sorta. Instead of using guano to recondition some used promix, I used bone, blood, and kelp meal (among other things). You can make tea from the guano.

Depends on if you're bent on making guano tea.