Filling in curing jars


Well-Known Member
Hi I just chopped my last plant and hung her to dry. I own a few larger mason/bottling jars that I use to cure and keep nugs however I don't I have enough to fill the jars. I was wondering what else I can use to fill in the jars, or is even necessary?


Well-Known Member
its more fresh and healthy for the weed to not fill the jars up to half way as when you burp them everyday they got more air to them and will cure and taste and smell alot more nice also if there is too much bud it can grow mould :)


Active Member
So let me see, you harvest and hang in the dark for 7 days or close to that, then you fill up a Mason Jar half way, screw on lid, and let fresh air in once a day for how Long ?


Well-Known Member
U let dry till crisp on outside spoungy inside. U can cure it in a jar u can fill it more then half way up. just not jammed packed. U dont have to open it everyday just keep an eye on it. If its supper moist u may wanna let it dry alil more before curing ;P