first attempt am i doin


Well-Known Member
hey people im new here and was just wonderin how im doin as far as grow goes...

ill start with the grow box...
<a href=" theory/supa grows/?action=view&current=HPIM1725.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" theory/supa grows/HPIM1725.jpg" border="0" alt="outside closed door"></a>

and the inside of that looks like this (door down)
<a href=" theory/supa grows/?action=view&current=HPIM1726.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" theory/supa grows/HPIM1726.jpg" border="0" alt="open door"></a>
and this

<a href=" theory/supa grows/?action=view&current=HPIM1727.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" theory/supa grows/HPIM1727.jpg" border="0" alt="inside"></a>

ok so explaination....its a relativly small box so im only gonna be using it to get the plants started...i have 2 lights in there...not sure exactly what there called...but there working just fine so far...i have a fan mounted on one side to bring in air, and a smaller one on the otherside to let air out...i made an on/off switch for the fans which i mounted in the front next to the door...

the seeds in the not sure exatly the date that i planted them but the date that they sprouted was jan 22
<a href=" theory/supa grows/?action=view&current=HPIM1739.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" theory/supa grows/HPIM1739.jpg" border="0" alt="sammy as of 1/25"></a>

soil...i used miracle-gro in the cups to start the seeds with...watering them once a day(but checking to see if they needed more or not..)

a few days later...(i planted is going alot better then the other one as you will see here shortly)

jan 25
<a href=" theory/supa grows/?action=view&current=HPIM1738.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" theory/supa grows/HPIM1738.jpg" border="0" alt="sammy 1/25"></a>

the other one was still strugglin...

few more days went by..
jan 30th
<a href=" theory/supa grows/?action=view&current=5.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" theory/supa grows/5.jpg" border="0" alt="sammy 1/30 hi deff all"></a>
and the other one showed signs of actualy doin somehting
<a href=" theory/supa grows/?action=view&current=other1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" theory/supa grows/other1.jpg" border="0" alt="poor lil thing"></a>

i figured if im gonna transplant i better do it now before the roots grow too big for the cups....better safe then i transplanted them both into a gallon sized bucket. the soil i used for that is a mix of 2 parts miracle gro/1 part vermiculite... (i also added a thermometer in the growbox and its reading a steady 76ish)

so now...few more days go by

feb 3rd
more growth!!!!
(i named the bigger one sammy)
sammy<a href=" theory/supa grows/?action=view&current=2_.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" theory/supa grows/2_.jpg" border="0" alt="sammy 2/3"></a>

and i named the samller one "lil thing"
lil thing

<a href=" theory/supa grows/?action=view&current=2_3_200911_06PM_0001.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" theory/supa grows/2_3_200911_06PM_0001.jpg" border="0" alt="other &amp;quot;lil thing&amp;quot; 2/3"></a>

so thats what i have so far....any questions or comments will be greatly appreciated..thank you for your time!

here are some more up close pics of sammy...
<a href=" theory/supa grows/?action=view&current=2_3_200911_.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" theory/supa grows/2_3_200911_.jpg" border="0" alt="sammy leaf 2/3"></a>
<a href=" theory/supa grows/?action=view&current=87698.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" theory/supa grows/87698.jpg" border="0" alt="close up sammy tops 2/3"></a>
<a href=" theory/supa grows/?action=view&current=879.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=" theory/supa grows/879.jpg" border="0" alt="close up sammy 2/3"></a>

once again thank you and i hope i didnt do this wrong..(as far as the posts go):leaf: