First grow, about 6 weeks into flowering... Is this right?

New grower, did some research online tried my best at setting up a low budget grow up...

-Grow area: 3ft x 1.5ft
-Lights: phlizon 600 (108w) plus two 40w 6500k CFLs
-Strains: Mk ultra, orange kush
-Age: roughly 6 weeks into flowering

Noticing some fan leaves starting to yellow, one just fell off. Cola leaves seem fine although the tips turning a little brown. I try to water every 2-3 days, nutes every other water.

Pics (without and without B/R light) :

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Well-Known Member
New grower, did some research online tried my best at setting up a low budget grow up...

-Grow area: 3ft x 1.5ft
-Lights: phlizon 600 (108w) plus two 40w 6500k CFLs
-Strains: Mk ultra, orange kush
-Age: roughly 6 weeks into flowering

Noticing some fan leaves starting to yellow, one just fell off. Cola leaves seem fine although the tips turning a little brown. I try to water every 2-3 days, nutes every other water.


Too much nitrogen. Especially this late in flower. Those cola leaves turning brown? Look deep inside at that spot to check for bud rot.
Can I just stop giving nutes at this point?

I just checked for bud rot, I can't really spot anything that stands out. I do know my humidity during the dark cycle can reach close to 70 and during the light cycle it's around 55. I kinda have to close off the doors at night and let the fan run in the closed room because I don't have a proper air filter to deal with the smell


Well-Known Member
Wow... 70% humidity is way too high in flower! You have to get that down to 55 max. The lower the better for late flower.

I’d really try and get that RH under control or you will have bud rot.

What are your temps at night? The cooler it is the higher the RH will be.... you can maybe bring up the temps at night a few degrees but you probably should get a dehumidifier
Wow... 70% humidity is way too high in flower! You have to get that down to 55 max. The lower the better for late flower.

I’d really try and get that RH under control or you will have bud rot.

What are your temps at night? The cooler it is the higher the RH will be.... you can maybe bring up the temps at night a few degrees but you probably should get a dehumidifier
Lmao I Iiterslly put the dehumidifier in the room right before u posted got it down to 40 in no time. It's a big unit though so I'll need to put it on a timer to come on and off regularly. 40 RH is okay right?

During light cycle temps(celcius) are low 20s...during dark it raises to around 27 by the time the light turns on


Well-Known Member
40 RH is great! The lower the better really.

As for the temps.... it would be better if it were cooler at night... why does it get so hot in there at night?? Lol


Well-Known Member
Temps are okay I think... you could have it a couple degrees warmer at night and that should help a little with RH.

That dehumidifier is going to save your buds though


Well-Known Member
I only grew indoors once so far and it was over the winter so I didn’t have much heat issues. I’m on my first outdoor grow now and not sure if I want or will need to do indoor anymore...
I only grew indoors once so far and it was over the winter so I didn’t have much heat issues. I’m on my first outdoor grow now and not sure if I want or will need to do indoor anymore...
I know a few people that went the outdoors route since it got legalized here and they all look great. I'm thinking outdoor is the way to go as well...