First Grow Attempt


Well-Known Member
I actually only started growing because I ordered some Salvia Divinorum plants awhile back (hopefully they come in sometime this month), but wanted to get some practice in before they arrived.

I dont smoke pot, but my brothers do, and I got all my seeds from them. Nothing special, just standard bagseed. They were actually growing like 7 plants off of 1 60 watt incandescent in their attic rofl. Pretty much were just twigs with leaves. Anyways, they brought them over to my house after they found out I didnt care about them smoking and growing it, so I have been tending to them shortly after starting my own.

Really not doing much to them, but they seem to be doing fairly well, atleast, much better compared to my brothers' plants lol. Havent kept a real growth log, starting now though.

Week 1 (Actually about 10 days old)

Ignore the bits of clovers and such growing out of the soil, friend gave me the containers and dirt, which have been sitting outside for a few years :P

The one to the right of the thermometer is obviously injured, brother poked it and leaf fell off, stunted its growth very badly.

Will post Week 2 and 3 in a few mins, dont want it all on one post, lots of pictures for Week 3.


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Week 2 (Around 14-15 Days)

Upgraded from the 2.5" cups to 6" pots, its amazing how much roots some of them had, wish I would of took pictures, some of the bigger ones were actually getting root bound.

The one on the bottum left was from a very small seed, which actually tore off a leaf as the seed shell came off, I end up trashing it cause it was only around 3" tall by Week 3 (though it was only about 10 days old since it came up late)

The top row, second from the right is my current champ in size, is constantly staying way ahead of the others in growth. Started another seed in the 2.5" cup. I know, not being very systematic about adding plants, but whatever :P

On the far right, just to the left of the single pot, theres a small plant wrapped in plastic/papertowel. When transplanting, I accident lost hold of the cup and it snapped the stem off from the roots. I put some moist soil wrapped in a wet paper towel hoping it would reroot itself. Grew around 2 inch long roots in 7-8 days, so promptly replanted it, it actually grew quite abit while it was rerooting, which suprised me.

As you have probably noticed, the leaves are usually drupe abit, this is cause I ended up taking pics after misting them. I generally sort of tap the leaves to get the excess water off, just did that after photos.

Anyways, most of the plants are 2-3" tall right now, very short, but big leaves for their size I think (I R n00b lol). Most of their leaf spread is usually 1-2 inches more than their height, not sure if thats normal or not.


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Week 3 (Around 22-23 days)

Lots of growth this week, yay ^_^

Bottom left is the one I accidently snapped the stem off at root. As you can see, its doing pretty well for itself now. It was one of my late starters, really only around 2 weeks old. It does have brown edges on some of the leaves, which worries me though :(

I set the newly started one in the 2.5" cup abit higher than the others, its around 5-6 days old at this point.

Your probably wondering what the straws are for. My brother knocked over the light and it fell on all the plants, luckily the stems didnt snap, as they were still somewhat flexible, but would not stand up on their own, hence straws.

The one to the left of the blue cup is my champ.

Note: Blue cup has water in it, constantly evaporates and keeps it nice and humid in there :)

The 2.5" cups are a pair of bad seeds that didnt grow at all. :(
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Week 3 Day 3 (25-26 days)

Some of the plants hit a growth spurt, so wanted dont want to wait a week to post pics ;)

This one is blurry, but is the one I snapped the stem on accident.

Another blurry pic, sorry >.< But this is one of my smaller ones, that didnt sprout till much later than the others, but is starting to grow fast now.

Leaf nodes are getting closer and closer together, the bigger plants have new leaves growing out of the nodes, so going to get bushy very soon.

And you may be wondering why my thermometer has a compass on it. So my plants dont get lost, duh! ;)

My champ stealing the others thunder and light in this pic, its an attention whore :P 6.5" tall, 8" leaf spread. Working on its 7th node, cant really tell though. The first 5 sets of nodes are sprouting a set of leaves on each. Biggest pair of those is about 1/3 an inch now. I expect this plant to be insanely bushy in about a week or so since theres 20 new leaves starting to form >:)

Not much to say here, 2.5" cup has the 8-9 day old seedling in it. Started growing slow at first, but picking up speed now.

Note: The WD40 Spray bottle does NOT contain WD40 lol. Also, the 1 gallon paint cans are what my light rests on :P


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Just want to show my brothers plants, they have had it pretty rough compared to mine.

These pics are of one of my brothers around 5 days after he brought them to my house. They were originaly in generic containers, 1 in a 16 oz plastic cup, 2 sharing a 1 quart container that you store crickets in lol, and then a 1 one of those big coffee cans. After they recovered from the neglect my brother gave them, I transplanted them, Unfortunetely all of them had almost no roots, due to the fact he packed the dirt, not knowing better, plus a majority of the roots broke off. Took them awhile to recover from that too.

Just another note, his plants were actually 2-3 weeks when I JUST started planting mine, to give you an idea of how deprived his plants were.

The left one was his runt. The one on right is a seed he just planted, it'll pop up soon.

Top center is a seedling that just sprouted. The one directly under it was his biggest but he didnt moisten the soil before transplanting it like I told him to. 8 hours later when I checked on them, plant was almost dead, made a small humidity tent around it, after 2 days it came back from the brink. A few of the leaves are badly curled and brown.

This is his biggest plant, at around 5 weeks old. This plant, believe it or not, only had 2 inches of root for a 12 inch tall plant (YES only 2 inches), was in a coffee can with packed TOP SOIL, brother is more of a noob that me. Again, he grew on a single 60 watt incandescent lightbulb.

Before he brought it over to my house, he didnt water it for 4 days, and we had a heat wave, was in his attic, was extremely wilted, humidity tent saved it. Problem is going from barren topsoil to fertilized potting soil was a big shock to the plant, bottom 2 nodes promptly died off. Starting to regrow now. When we planted it in this container, we put the stem 3 inches under the soil, its under a sink, size limit lol.

Note: The spacing between nodes is extremely far, cause the plant had to reach for the light. Top nodes are responding to the good light I am giving them now, and are getting closer together. Plant is also starting to form another set of leaves on each node.


A week after the above pics:

Blurry, but gives you an idea on how much healthier the plant is now.

Plant had 5 nodes when brother brought it over, working on its 8th now, hard to see the new leaves sprouting on each node cause of the blur. Re-adjusted the light I had on it, which is a single 18" 16 watt flo.

One on left is the one that nearly died, seems to be recovering well. One thing though, should I cut off the dried brown tips of the damaged leaves, or let them be?

The 2 seeds he planted last week.

If you look at the pics from a week ago, you can notice how much the leaves have grown.

My other brother brought his last surviving plant over, too irresponsible to care for it obviously. In packed soil, but atleast this is old potting soil, which is a step up from my other brothers topsoil lol. No worries though, will nurse it back to health for him ^_^
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Well-Known Member
My plants are growing from 2 4' long 40 Watt flos, and all my brothers' plants except for the big one are running on 2 4' long 40 Watt flos also. The big plant is on a 18" 16 watt flo, which I think is more blue than white, but its the only spare I had.

The soil I am using is Miracle-Gro Potting soil w/ 21-7-14 ferts in it, obviously ferts are way off, but again I am not going to adjust my ferts since I am not really growing it seriously. Seeing how little effort I can get away with, I'm not the one going to smoke it, my brothers are lol. :P

I am using 24:0 Light Cycle, due to my schedule always changing, dont want to shock the plants by being several hours late to turn light on or off.

Temperature usually is 80F-85F during day and 75F at night. Dont have a humidity gauge, but I just stick my hand in the area and if the air feels kind dry, I mist the plants.

When my plants hit around 10-11 inches, I think I will start taking cuttings to clone them. Will give each plant a letter designation, and apply the letter to each cutting so later on I can use it to help sex the clones and sort the different strains.

I'd like to keep mine in their current grow area for as long as possible, which is around 7 square feet, around 12 inches from the pots to the light (I have 2 areas that size, once my brothers get a certian size, they are going in my attic, will put my clones where they were). Completely hidden, with lid on you cannot notice :P

Any advice would be appreciated, whether or not I choose to ignore it cause I am lazy and cheap ;)