First Grow - bagseed ~150w cfl veg + 400w hps (Constructive Criticism Needed!)

Hey everybody! First grow ever here, a little nervous but super excited :). No serious expectations or hopes in terms of yield, I'm just hoping to learn as I go along and treat ANY harvested bud as a bonus :eyesmoke:. The bagseed was out of an oz of some really good shit, although the strain wasn't known for sure, some people said it was some trainwreck. As of now, growing the little seedling in my closet w/out a tent or anything, just one 23w cfl over it (veg spectrum). In a few days I have a 2.5X1.5X3 (ftxftxft) grow tent that will be at my door step :D. I will use this tent to veg grow hopefully, and then if everything is going as planned, I will have a 3X2X6 (ftxftxft) grow tent and either a 250w or 400w hps (most likely 400w) delivered that will be used for the flowering cycle. The reason why I'm planning on having two grow tents is because after this bagseed is harvested (hopefully), I want to set up a perpetual harvest where I could harvest every month, I'll go more into that later though. I am really, really open to any criticism. I've been reading around this site and have tons of respect for all of you experienced growers! Ps- My plans in growing are no larger than personal use of the medication, I'm a full-time college student and I really want to make this a fun hobby but not go over-board :).

I plan on LST'ing my plant to try to get an even canopy; also, since i'll have only one plant growing in these tents for now (planning on perpetual harvest 2-3 months from now), I want to get this one plant to stretch and spread out to utilize all the room in these tents.

Germinated Seed-Seedling stage:
-Sitting on shelf in closet, siran wrapped until tall enough
-FFoF soil in small cup
-1 or 2 23w CFLs (veg spectrum)

Veg Stage (plans):
-2.5X1.5X3 grow tent
-3 gallon pot with FFoF
-8 or 10 23w CFLs (veg spectrum) 20/4 light cycle
-Fox Farm Nutrient 3-pack nutes used (will only use the veg nutes)
-200 Cfm fan

Flower Stage (plans):
-3X2X6 grow tent
-3 gallon pot with FFoF
-400w HPS (cool tube, reflector, timer, etc included)
-Fox Farm Nutrient 3-pack nutes (will use flower/blooming nutes)
-200 or 250 Cfm fan with carbon filter

The seed was put in warm paper towels Saturday (3/2/13)
Seed germinated Sunday (3/3/13)
Placed in soil on Sunday under siran wrap and a CFL (3/3/13)
Popped out of soil Monday night (3/4/13)

I will be posting pics of the few events so far in a moment.

Please please please add on any advice or anything for that matter!! :)


Well-Known Member
Best of luck with your grow, you're on your way to a great hobby, grow on my friend.
Quick question; for the 3x2x6 tent that I'll use for flowering, should I go with 250w hps or 400w hps? I mean, after this bagseed grow is over, I do want to start a grow setup where I have a perpetual harvest every month (2-3 plants harvesting every month). But either way, what would one of you veteran growers go with?
AND since I mentioned my perpetual harvest plan, is there enough room to flower, let's say, 6 plants in the 3x2x6 tent?? My plan would be to have two rows of plants and each one row is 4 weeks ahead of the other. To anyone that responds, thank you very much in advance :)
Right now it is 5 days from sprouting and the seedling hasn't grown too much since my last picture :/, i'm not worrying about it too much though. Another question, If i have a total of around 150w-200w cfl's in my 2.5x1.5x3 grow tent, how many CFM should I look for in a fan to keep temp's at an optimum level?
Day 6 from sprouting now! And the cotyledons along with the first true leaves have finally opened up! The little brown are is actually just an onion like thin membrane from the seed just chillen on it, I've heard it's normal so i'll let the little membrane fall of by itself. I've still got a siran wrap over the cup for the plant to make a humidity dome-like environment. Around when should I think about taking the siran wrap off? And when I do, the RH should be around 55-65% right?