first grow using CFLs


hey RIU, i have done ALOT of reading on this site and many others as i am thinking about starting my first grow using CFLs in a grow box.
i have yet to make my box since im waiting till i can afford to buy the plywood i need plus the lights, my plan is to have 4 or 8 plants on a perpetual harvest, so each plant (or pair) cropping out one month from eachother. but since everyone here probably knows what that is already i wont go into all the details on it.
i have not settled on a box design yet but here are my thoughts.
1st idea: 4'Lx2'Dx4'H. divide the box horizontally at 1.5' from the bottom and vertically in the middle to keep different crops seperate, use the bottom partition of the box at my veg room(s) and the tops as my flower room(s).
2nd idea: same box as above but divide down the middle vertically and use one side for veg and the other for flower.
3rd idea: build seperate boxs for veg/flower.
my plan is to use SCRoG in the flowering cycles as vertical space will be an issue as well as the strain that i have seeds for is called Big Bang, it is supposed to be a shorter bushier plant so i figured it would work well under this setup,

if anyone has any input on which box/design i should use please feel free to throw in your 2 cents, as i said i am new to growing and this will be my first grow so any advice or input anyone has will be great appreciated. also i dont want anyone coming onto here and telling me to go get HID, they have there place as i understand but i cant afford one nor will i be growing lots to make it worth my while, this is only for personal use with maybe the few side dollars depending on yeilds and how much i smoke :)

here are some rough drawings of my first 2 designs..
View attachment 2403326View attachment 2403327


sorry the first set of pictures was sideways for some reason but i fixed them now
im thinking ill go with one of the first 2 to save space and $ on materials


Dont forget to include spots for fans for air circulation. CFL's dont run super hot, but if you're using mylar or something heat can build up pretty damn quick- especially if you go with 3-4 separate rooms for your box.
I'd go with a single large flower room to maximize reflective surfaces, keep air flow up, help your electricity bill, reduce added heat from tons of small rooms, and cost of equip/bulbs. Now, whether you want your open areas in the cab to be vertically or horizontally long depends on your space for this, light/fan setup, plant type, and your pruning. If your flower/veg rooms are 4' long horizontally you'll need to prune/train your plant like a PC case grow. If its 4' tall(vertically) you'll want to make a 'table' for your plants to sit on to ensure good light exposure- until you're ready to scrog(something simple like a board that sits on screws like an entertainment center). CFLs need to be within a few inches depending on their true wattage- which is fun because it makes you get creative with your light setups.
As far as the whole build your cabinet thing... you may be able to save a little time and money if you check the craigslist/ebay/garage sales in your area, and buy that beat up armiore or particle board entertainment center that is everywhere.. You'd already have the ground work done, they look like they belong in a garage/storage area- where as a homemade box draws the eye. Just an idea. I have a lot of visitors at my house so I have mine hidden in plain site(until smelly). But hey, those old cabinets already have all the pegs and boards to setup a fairly decent little stealth operation. All you need to buy is little 'L' brackets and screws, maybe 1 sheet of plywood or board to customize to taste. lol


im planning on connecting the room with holes and fans as well as having passive intakes, diy carbon filters in each of the flower rooms and adjustable height lights so probably just hang them on hooks, the plan is 6x 6500k 23w cfls in the veg hung individually and 6x 2700k in the flower rooms with probably 2 6500ks, and im going t paint all the insides flat white for reflection. that puts me at around 700 acctual watts for the whole process, more can be added as/if needed when needed since this is well within the range of a regular 15a household circuit which for a continuous load can handle 1440w without blowing the breaker


Well-Known Member
,go with the two vertical rooms. Id also get more lights for flowering. And with that many plants, youll need them. Id double whatever you are planning on using. I have 110 "used" watts on my one plant. 3-23w 2-13w (all 2700k) and 1-15w led panel. She is doing really well, but thats only enough light for one plant. Im even going to double my lights for the rest of flowering, two weeks into flower now. Im not an expert, at all. But the time i have spent on growing with cfls, i have learned a LOT. You NEED to reflect those lights also. Cfls work to about 3" or so befor your plants start to streatch. If you have bare bulb facing up to nothing, thats wasted light. Now if you are completely sealing your box, then the light should bounce around in there pretty well. Good luck on the grow.


so im going with 2 seperate boxes, i only have my veg running right now and my 2 big bang plants are on day 8 from planting the seeds they are both about 1 inch tall. the one is a little deformed though due to not kicking the seed casing i had to peel it off. and for some reason its not letting me post pictures right now?