First harvest


Active Member
IMG_20160215_192722_747.jpg IMG_20160215_191837_551.jpg Hello again!

Back to show the bounty of my harvest. This was from 3 diff plants. The big bugs are from my Skywalker, the small ones are cannatonic and the really white looking ones are jackpot royals. Sky flowered for about 8weeks, the others flowered for nine. My house reeks and I cannot wash off the stickyness haha. Currently the buds are untrimmed, I will trim when dry, I know that is not the advised method.

Anyways I have them drying in two closets with a small fan blowing on them. Does it have to be really dark or can some light leak through?

Anyways thanks for checking out my grow!



Active Member
Very nice harvest! What was your grow setup?
I had a 600w and a 400w HPS in a 8'x3' "closet", PVC frame with 3 layers of mylar. My air intake was powered by a 6in eclipse inline fan, I had no exhaust fan. Just passive exhaust through the top of the grow, with the outside air coming in from the intake. Both lights were open reflectors. My average temps were 65-75, with humidity at 40-50%. The skywalker was in grown in soil, the other two were DWC. I am fairly newb at all this so the DWC did not do as well as the soil, all in all though the harvest feels pretty heavy by hand, I know it will lose probably half its weight though

Oh and thanks!


Virtually Unknown Member
and don't have the fan blowing on them, just circ the air around. slower the dry the better. pretty good for the first time around all in all :)


Active Member
Thanks Tazz!

Yeah Six9, the Skywalker grew really fat, and quick. It was the easiest/fastest to grow out of the three also! Hardly ever had to feed or water.

Thanks Barn buster, I have them drying out right now at 70 degrees temp, and 60%-70% humidity and a fan circulating the air below them as they hang(they aren't being blown around at all). I decided to try out a water cure on the cannatonic, the person I am giving this to asked for it. On the 2nd day of the water cure and the smell reminds me of wet hay hahaha, the water really draws out the chlorophyll.

So far the other two plants I have hanging are doing quite well! This will be the 4th day of hang drying, the fan leaves on the outside are starting to get brittle, but the inside bud is still spongy feeling, not wet though, nor dry feeling.

I am thinking drying it for 7days may be pushing it. We shall see though. For now they are doing well.

Anyways! Stay tuned if you wish, I will be taking pics of the end result. I also have another harvest coming up soon, this next time will be a strain called Durban Poison. This plant has been flowering for 7 weeks, should be ready within 3-4 weeks! It started flowering really young unfortunately, I took some clones before she did though. So next time flowering she will have a little more time vegging beforehand.



Well-Known Member
Here is a a better view of them drying. I am also attempting to reveg the plants. I trimmed the roots of the two dwc and transfered them to soil outside. So far they are doing okay
That's some clever use of the ratchet hangers. Look at that old school hygrometer, the sky blue background, the wicker table with a stem most likely a bud sampler, it's all quite artistic man! It's like a twisted outdoor scene of a distant treeline, oh wait the trees are upside down kinda thing. You've spent some time there, it shows. :)

Hey cheers for choosing dry trim, but remove the bigger fan leaves, there's plenty of moisture in the stems to allow for a nice slow dry. As barn buster said, nothing hitting them directly (fan, heater, etc). How are you getting 60%-70% humidity right now? A warm state or what? You may be surprised at the 7 day mark, test trim first. With small trimmers get inside the buds to clip the sugar leaves. And when you do, you'll know if they're still too wet. I had 75F with that humidity in the summer and went a full 12 days.


Active Member
Hahahah I want to go to that forest! Thanks for the input, I grew up in the woods, lol.
Alright for sure, I'll work on removing some of the leaves as they are hanging. The fan in the bottom of the pic is all I have. I don't have an active exhaust or intake, just passive floor vent, and exhaust vent on top. Temps are usually in the 70's in my house, I leave the windows open-ish, also I live in the Willamette Valley, so humidity is no problem! Except when in flower.... hahah.. This next crop will be vegging outside first, then flowering inside.

Also I will keep that in mind about cutting the inside sugar leaves.


Well-Known Member
yeah woods are fun, I hit em hiking, I'll take a sunny 70 degree day in the woods over the concrete jungle any day.


Active Member
For sure! Here are some new bud pics.. Presently the buds have beem moved to jars. I crammed that hydrometer into one jar and it seems to be sitting at 70% closed. 65% open. Will continue burping every few hours when I can. Water cure came out good on cannatonic except now I am looking for new rolling papers because that is all I taste hahaha. Anyways



Active Member
Last, but not least, here is my Durban poison harvest. She was small vegged from clone for 2 weeks then put into flower. For this harvest I trimmed only the flowers off the plant in attempt to regen the plant. Currently I have her sitting in a new pot with fresh compost, and other soils. Also I have transferred her outside. I also gave her a healthy dose of nitrogen



Well-Known Member
Looks good but imo you're harvesting a lil early bro. Still will get you baked tho grats


Active Member
Thanks! I figured that might be the case, I started noticing the buds were "firmer" towards the bottom of the plant whilst I was trimming, and that more of the calyx's had closed up. Almost felt like I was touching a seeded bud.