First real grow


Active Member
Im sort of new to this and im using a 400w hps and 250w mh with soil and small fan. I was wondering if its ok to use both of them for now untill my plants reach flowering or should i just use one. And im also wanting to use the 250 m/h later on for my mothers so i can keep a steady harvest. The seeds i have or from a high grade weed it was almost like chronic but had seeds untill i can afford to get some real ones.



Well-Known Member
im a complete noob myself but ive been surfing and reading up on growing weed for about a month now. i understand that MH lights are god for the veggy stage and then for flowering i would use both.

Hope this helps



Well-Known Member
I'm new to indoor growing too but maybe you can benefit from my mistakes and not lose any of your babies like I did. If you have both those lights going it's going to get pretty hot in there and if your space is enclosed, one small fan probably won't be sufficient, so watch your temps. Also, if that is a metal basket you have over your plants, it's going to get really hot under those lights and will likely burn anything it touches - your plants and your hands.


Active Member
yeah i been reading up alot theres so many choices to every problem. So im starting off kinda low budget to get my feet wet so when i get some good strains going i wont mess them up. But my plants are doing pretty well for the first time and the the mistakes i been making lol. But i have ac and exhuast fan in the room but it still stays kinda hot.. I should invest in temperture gauge soon. Well thanks for the help..Hope ur plants come out well also.