first time for shrooms


Well-Known Member
ok so this weekend is fri. the 13th and my friends and i decided we want to have some out of the ordinary fun. our fun of choice is shrooms. we found out where to get them from and all that but none of us have done them before. my question is how much do we each get and how much do we eat and all that?
Eat a few and see what happens. Don't get too high. Your asses will be at walmart naked and shopping like nothing is going on.
i would do a whole 8th for a good first trip but if you wanna split and 8th with your boy you will still definatly have a good time. it all depends on the strain and how well it was grown (just like bud) but either way your gonna have a life changing experiance have fun and free your mind. shrooms are the shit and get em while you can cuz around me those lil bastards are few and far between
well your up in jersey. i just moved to florida and hear they come around often. but i cant wait its goin to be fun.
its a real fun exsperience i would do an eigth the first time....because i did with some first timers and they wanted more LOL
ya dude they are rare i njersey but that can be good because i here everytime you do em it gets less enlightening. but if i could id be doin em allllllllllll dayyyyyyyy lonnnngngngnng.
my question is how much do we each get and how much do we eat and all that?

Depends on how much you have tripped in the past. If you've never tripped before I would say get a 10-15 sac but if you've tripped before and all that I would say get an 1/8th or more.
apparently you didnt read my post.

I did but I've also had to talk 4 of my friends out of a bad trip when I had 20+ gs of shrooms because they couldn't handle their shit when they were trippin for the 1st time so since then I usually tell noobs to start out with a 15 for their first shroom experince because some people just can't handle tripping.