First time grow, cupboard set up, 400w hps, Mazar kush and Barneys farm phat fruity


Active Member
Ok so im a newbie to growing but decided il give it a crack as i am very interested in the subject.
So a simple homemade setup, white mylar wall lining, pc extractor fan, 400W duel spectrum hps and clip on fan (trying to stay cheap as pos).
So i germed the seeds in paper towels for around 30 hours, they all popped nicely, then planted under around 1cm of moist Canna coco. I put the pots straight under the 400w hps from quite a distance, a day and a half later the mazar seedling had already produced its first tiny leaves and 12 hrs later the two phat fruity's followed. I feel lucky this has happened so quickly. My only worry is my ventilation as its 1 12v computer fan, which im sure wont displace enough air. Anyway I'm going to keep it this way see how things turn out.
Any comments and advice would be greatly appreciated!

Special cupboard

Set up, keeping it simple.

Mazar Kush, Around 35Hrs after planting seed

Mazar after 2 days,

Phat fruity after 2 days

Thanks for looking! Please comment



Well-Known Member
you need an intake and access to fresh air computer fans are not that expensive but you may have light issues with light getting into the 12/12 cycle


Active Member
Yeah i forgot to mention i did bore a hole in the bottom of the wardrobe for air intake, it seems i will get away with it for now as the comp fan is pushing a fair amount of air out.
Also thought of the light problem, but i think should also get away with that as the room is mostly dark when the light cycle is off. Anyway progress is they have doubled in size again, so just waiting game now. Thanks for input btw


Active Member
Evening to anyone reading! So i have switched light for my veg stage from a 400w duel spectrum hps to a borrowed growmaster T5HO (4x24w) which i keep around 6 inches away. I'm ten days in, started giving nutes on 1/4 strength but my little ones are very small for their age in comparison to to other plants i have observed on the web. Am i doing anything wrong?? I know i may have a little problem with the temperature as heating in my house has broken but i cannot afford to buy a heater. Temps reach low as 14 Degrees Celsius at night and stay around 19 when the light is on. I water once every two days, trying to keep the soil evenly moist. How often should i give nutrients? i have done once so far only.
If anyone has any input i would be more than grateful to receive!

The big boy of the bunch- Phatt fruity.DSCF6670.jpgNew light set up & Phatt Fruity;sDSCF6674.jpg Mazar Kush - Seems very slow growing compared to P F's DSCF6668.jpg



Active Member
So 18 days in! Does anybody know when i can start low stress training them? And i'm watering around once every 3 days and once a week with nutes, this ok!?
Cmooon guys input would be nice please!


Mazar kushDSCF6677.jpg Phatt fruityDSCF6676.jpg Closest is phatt fruity, other is mazar DSCF6678.jpg


Active Member
Also using fresh squeezed orange juice to lower ph to 5.6. Does anybody know if this is ok or will damage plants? Also my run off water is ph 6.6 - seems far too high from what i'm reading. Is this ok?



Active Member
Hi all, i know not much interest in this thread so i may call it a day. Unless people have anything to add?
Reeet, so i was wondering if anyone would know when is best to transplant my little ones? I'm going straight from the containers you can see above to 11 liter square pots. I'm 3 weeks into veg!


Active Member
Sorry, I popped in late. I to have started a cheap cabinet size grow. I am using..

Bagseed - unknown and shit
Envirogrow T5HO (4x24w) tube fl
Accurite temp and humid therm.
Plastic cabinet from walmart for 40 bucks, like 2 1/2 ft by 1 1/2ft by like 3 1/2 ft tall.
Cut a hole for massey small desk fan.. works fkkn great just pushes norm room temp air into the box that sits in day 75-78 and a night 60-68. Humidity stays at 35 as well.
I have a sunsystem 150w hps for floweing will use the t5 as well for side lighting. You can hang it verticly.. not sure about the hps.
I use floraseries nutrients for dwc hydro farm, but using like a one gallon pot and scotts peat moss organic potting mix, because im still amature at hydroponics. Has worked for the first two grows in my closet.
Also have hydrogen peroxide 3% and superthrive for root stimulate and bacteria.

Im only on week 1 day(8). Our grows look very similar, but i only have one plant and germed on dec 1.

Keel me updated and ill get a pic here tomorrow!!


Active Member
I started my seeds in jiffy pellets and transplant straight into there main pots. That way you dont have to put your babies through all that stress of going through pots. You can transplant now and early instead of stressing later in mid veg. I also do all my topping and fimming early veg stage.


Active Member
Cheers for the input bud!.. nice to finally get some interest. Your set up sounds pretty sweet man, i hope you see some good results. Your little ones are the same size as mine? Man, i must be doing something wrong. I'm using canna rhizotonic shiz for the roots, but only giving light doses. I'l try a little more next time! i do think my temperature factor might be affecting growth rate, its around 10 degrees celcuis when lights off and around 17 when on. Nothing i can do tho so just gonna hack it out. So you reckon i could top my plants already?


Active Member
Oh no. Mine is the size of your phat fruity .you posted on the 25. Im only on day 8. I will put an updated pic maybe tonight out of town atm getting some strawberry cough ;) very good shit. Havnt got a seed yet though.. you should use your canna rhiz as the directions say or even dillute it SHOULD you need/have to.. or stronger.... Definatly could top your plants now..or fimm them if you want to try and get more top shoots. Other methods as well .
I personally am going to fimm and train to scrog for more main top colas. Hmu!!


Active Member
Yeh that strawb stuff sounds beaut! ah ha, only day 8.. phew. Yeh been using the rhiz as it says ont bottle so thats all good. Right so i don't wanna scrog, but i do want to do the easiest method for increasing yield, ie FIM or LST. So the question is, which would you recommend?


Active Member
Yeh that strawb stuff sounds beaut! ah ha, only day 8.. phew. Yeh been using the rhiz as it says ont bottle so thats all good. Right so i don't wanna scrog, but i do want to do the easiest method for increasing yield, ie FIM or LST. So the question is, which would you recommend?


Active Member
I would try to fimm.. get as many too colas as you can.. just may have to stake later during flower if the buds get to heavy since no scrog.

Im trying to get a pic of mine on here but can only do it from my phone, and after i select the file i want it just dosnt load.. i might cojld email it or something.. but its just a small day nine seedling atm ..


Active Member
Also.. reading back. The ph level of soil i believe is by opinion around 6.0 + and in the 6.0 - for hydroponics i have pro gro books ill look at cause i cant remember.. i dont think 5.3 is good.. but dont take that the wrong way cause you could be right.


Active Member
Yeah man i think its around the right ph, because i'm growing in coco see. Anyways I'm going on your idea and am gonna fim the gals.
Will post a new photo now, they have really bushed out in recent days! Also i had to give the t5 light back as friend needs it. Now using 450 duel spectrum hps. Think they are gonna explode with growth!!


Active Member
Mazar (far left), Phatt fruitys (other)DSCF6689.jpgDSCF6688.jpg

Anybody know if these should be fim'ed yet? I'm going to transfer into final 11l pots tomorrow then maybe leave it a couple of days to adjust then fim??


Dont top yet, wait until their a bit taller plus if your transplanting itll stress them even more (btw the temp issues could be a reason for stunted growth)...mine are 10inches tall at 4 weeks...defo transfer now though 11l will be enough


btw the sign of a healthy plant growth wise is its stem thickness as this is ultimately what will be supporting your flowers