First time grow, flowering questions!

I have 4 top44 plants that I put into flower around 9-10 inches. They have been in flower for 13 days. According to my friend whom I got the seeds from and also online info the strain stays really short and should be done in around 44 days. By no means where these plants vegged in ideal conditions. I burned the shit out of them with nutes at around 2 weeks , they suffered from extreme low humidity and high heat for the first 2 weeks also. ( I didn't have my handy dandy temp and hydrogemeter at the time. ) Any ways my questions are. How far along into flower is this plant ?Its about 15 inches right now but the buds are not very full. I know that I shouldn't expect much of a yield due to the bad conditions of veg but I would like to get around 2-3 grams per branch(this would justify the cost of equipment) but as of right now there are a lot of gaps in the cola's. Will these most likely fill in ?I'm only including pictures of the one plant. The others are a little smaller and seem to be a little behind in the flowering process . They are just starting to look like balls of white hair.