First Time Grow

Mr Toke

Hello everybody..

I'm new here and new at growing, but I thought I'd share some of my stuff with you, and also I have a question.

First off, I'll show you some pictures of my current grow, now on day 45.

(I have 2 plants that I'm growing, but I'll show you the progress of just one)

These started on March 15 2009

March 19

March 23

March 31

April 4

April 9

April 12

April 16

April 24

My Setup

Ok so, these babies would be on day 45 now, and I have had them on 18/6 lighting since day 30 or so.. I'm planning on going to 12/12 lighting tomorrow, do you think they are ready for that?

That is all. :)


Well-Known Member
Ok so, these babies would be on day 45 now, and I have had them on 18/6 lighting since day 30 or so.. I'm planning on going to 12/12 lighting tomorrow, do you think they are ready for that?

That is all. :)

Well Ill let some people with more experience let you know whether or not to start flowering. However, from what Ive read, those pots look a bit small for those plants, and they say its bad to transplant too close to the 12/12 switch. So I would transplant those into some bigger pots asap, unless of course you are trying to keep them small, but bigger pots = more buds :)

The "rule of thumb" for pot size is about 1 gallon per foot of height, so however many feet you plan on limiting you plants to should depict how big of a pot you transplant to. Its always best to transplant as few times as possible, so I would pick your final size pot to transplant to next.

Hope that helped

Mr Toke

Well Ill let some people with more experience let you know whether or not to start flowering. However, from what Ive read, those pots look a bit small for those plants, and they say its bad to transplant too close to the 12/12 switch. So I would transplant those into some bigger pots asap, unless of course you are trying to keep them small, but bigger pots = more buds :)

The "rule of thumb" for pot size is about 1 gallon per foot of height, so however many feet you plan on limiting you plants to should depict how big of a pot you transplant to. Its always best to transplant as few times as possible, so I would pick your final size pot to transplant to next.

Hope that helped
I'm trying to keep them small :)
But that is definitely some good advice when I want to make bigger plants in the future. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
you can flower them now. you REALLY need some more light, you needed more light a month and a half ago, i cant believe this post slipped through un noticed. well anyway your plants are stretched, from lack of light. you need to invest in some cfls and get em on them.

Mr Toke

you can flower them now. you REALLY need some more light, you needed more light a month and a half ago, i cant believe this post slipped through un noticed. well anyway your plants are stretched, from lack of light. you need to invest in some cfls and get em on them.
Alrighty then. Will do.


Well-Known Member
hey m8 i personally wouldnt flower just yet but seeing how you were going to the next day i probably missed ya. did they at least show signs of preflowering? were you able to determine sex? the time involved with growing a small plant is almost as time consuming a growing a sizeably larger one that will produce way more bud. patience pays off when growing and getting 4 - 5 ozes of a plant and only a 1/2 off a smaller one is pointless because in my opinion it already took you at least 4 mnths to get there whats another few more when you will end up with a larger harvest. I could smoke an ounce in less than a week but shit 6 plants putting off 4 ozs a peice will feed me for alot of lunchbreaks at work hehe.

Mr Toke

hey m8 i personally wouldnt flower just yet but seeing how you were going to the next day i probably missed ya. did they at least show signs of preflowering? were you able to determine sex? the time involved with growing a small plant is almost as time consuming a growing a sizeably larger one that will produce way more bud. patience pays off when growing and getting 4 - 5 ozes of a plant and only a 1/2 off a smaller one is pointless because in my opinion it already took you at least 4 mnths to get there whats another few more when you will end up with a larger harvest. I could smoke an ounce in less than a week but shit 6 plants putting off 4 ozs a peice will feed me for alot of lunchbreaks at work hehe.
I had my lighting on 18/6 and the lights were off from 5:00PM to 11:00PM. I turned them back on at 12:00AM last night instead and then turned them back off at 12:00PM.. So I already started the 12/12, or could I just turn them back on now and turn em back off at 5 again?

Mr Toke

Alright, I turned the lights back on, they were only off for about 50 minutes.. so I'll be keeping them on 5:00PM to 11:00PM off time for another week or so. Then I shall continue with flowering. Thanks for the help guys.