First time grower, Unknown seed


Im trying to start growing. Only ONE single plant in my closet, I understand that is not smart considering if its a male plant im fucked. So i was also wondering if there was a way to tell the difference between male and female before the vegative stage? I am in the germinating proccess, germinating 4 seeds. I live in a 2 story house and my room is upstairs, closet is nowhere near the window and i have noticed alot of people are talking about smell being a problem.
I have been in trouble with :leaf: before, (taking it to school) so its not like im not trying to be sneaky about this. Also i live in a neighborhood with like alot of old people so i dont think if the smell comes out they will smell it. Can someone tell me the cheapest fan (or fan like) thing that makes the smell go away.? This is for me personaly nobody else. I was wondering if anyone could tell me exactly how many CFL's i should use, i have 45w CFL's

Also sorry for the sidenotes and all the questions :L
You best have a damn secret closest dude you would need like 3 of those 45 watters for 1 plant and a timer to run the lights