First time growing (in the seedling stage) - need help


Well-Known Member
First time ever growing... I have like 200 schwag seeds from a couple years ago that I found in one of my drawers. Once April came around, I decided to try my complete newb luck (never done this before, nor had friends who have grown).

I put 12 seeds between damp paper cloths, 4 germinated. I lost one but was able to transplant 3 healthy ones. I put them in plastic party cups filled with soil and put them under a crappy 13 watt cfl (equivalent of 60 watt bulb). They started growing up and up, and I left my place for like 24 hrs and forgot to leave it on while I was gone.

I switched to a 30 watt cfl (125 watt equivalent) and it puts out 2050 lumens, but I had it in a normal house lamp, which went every which way. I just got bought one of those portable luminare things

Now I have 3 healthy-but stringy seedlings about 1-3 inches high each, with buds and primary leaves, secondaries look like they're coming in, however the stem is thin as hell.

Either way, I got a real 8 1/2 reflective clamp reflector light for my 30 watt (2060 lumen) cfl. I have it set up really nice (I think) but I am interested in switching to either a 70 watt hps or a 150 watt hps (both are about $21 at this farming equipment store).

I am beginning to learn about high pressure sodium lamps, and from what I understand, hps systems require at least a ballast and fixture, and I am wondering what the best place is to get a ballast (and the other requirements) that will hold your normal small-medium hps light.

Also note that I'm not ready to upgrade to a 400 or 1000 watt hps, but anything around the 150 - 200 watt range is doable, considering it won't use much more power than a few incandescent light bulbs.

Second question involves the stringy seedlings I now have. Given adequate cfl light and nutrients, will they ever bulk up? Or would you suggest transplanting them up to their necks, thus protecting the stem? There's a good 2-3 inches of just thin stem that seems pointless right now. The weather's warming up and I could take them out in the sun, but I think they're too fragile and would get blown away by the wind.


Well-Known Member
post some pics u can get better help, but it sounds like your plants are stretching. put some more soil down going up to the bottom set of leaves. also get a 27 watt(100 watt equivalence) daylight cfl...actually get a couple of 'em. do more research on hps and mh lights. when i first started growing a couple of months i wante 2 get some but they r very expensive and harder 2 use as a noob...n my opinion


Well-Known Member
an HPS ballast is cheap. if you run into the right deal, you can get the light, ballast, and maybe even a couple of bulbs for less than 250 US. thats for a 400 watt on ebay
if you think the thin stems are too thin and that they may bend due to a slight breeze, then plant them up a few inches. however, if its just a little leggy, you can support it with a couple of crossed toothpicks in the dirt.


Well-Known Member
What is the best way to post pictures? I originally thought about just uploading them on imageshack or something, but would then I noticed people having their pictures uploaded to the server.


Well-Known Member
If you only have three plants I think you should just stick with cfls unless you get into something a little biggere. If you're useing CFL's you should veg with 'Daylights' between 5500k and 6500k if I'm not mistake. If you're useing softwhite they may be streching a bit. This is all I can say as I am new to it aswell.


Well-Known Member
Oh man, ya they are streched as hell.

My advice is to probably get 'daylight' cfls if you already don't have them and bring the lights closer. Approx. 2-3 inches away from the top of the plant.

Hope that helps!