First time growing

this is my first grown i planted my seedling on the 11th oct 2011 now i have a lil stem sticking up with 2 nice lil leafs out of 4 seeds its the only one that sprouted hopeing its a female rep to who ever gives advice and thanks head of time
seed-type kush
soil-topsoil its the soft dirt
lighting-currently runing18 hours light 6 hours dark 300mA 120 VAC floresnt bulb
growtype-indoor closet it has a heating and cooling vent alredy in it
post as you like i will update once a week :weed:

update 11/15/2011
the plant came up pretty fast its at about 5 half inches tall now



Well-Known Member
no dude. 18 light 6 dark. don't run your seedlings 24/7 - babies need sleep man.

if you're running one of those huge ass 300 w equiv CFL's i'd recommend keeping it a safe 6 inches or more from the seedling right now. shes not even photosynthesizing until the first set of true leaves form.
no dude. 18 light 6 dark. don't run your seedlings 24/7 - babies need sleep man.

if you're running one of those huge ass 300 w equiv CFL's i'd recommend keeping it a safe 6 inches or more from the seedling right now. shes not even photosynthesizing until the first set of true leaves form.
aight nah its not one of the big bulbs its pretty small used it as a bath room lite it puts off alot of heat i was kinda thinking the same thing on the 24/7 thing thanks for the info
something is starting go wrong with my pplant at the top bout a inch or so is starting to bend in one dirction its got 4 leafs 2 big ones and 2 small ones