First Time Hydro Grow. Got Plant Issues


i got 3 SNOW WHITES in a 5 gallon tub, under one 400watt switchable,with a fixed wing reflector, in a 7x7 room. temp usually around 78-80 deg. Towards the middle of veg, i was still using full strength B.C.grow products.then i started to notice the very tips of my new leaf schutes were burnt, and some twisting,an a little wrinkling on some of the new growth down the stem.I figured i had nitro burn. my brother told me to switch to 1/2 strength,so i did.(i didnt flush the roots,before lowering nutes.) Dont get me wrong, my plants are about 3-4 feet tall,an still look pretty sweet,bushy too. But now im 15 days into flowering, still on half nute solution, and still kinda see the same stuff happening???(Ph is around 6.0-6.5. I am GREATFUL:mrgreen: to see all the white pistols coming out,and it hasnt hermied. Oh yea, i also just surrounded it with that reflective bubblewrap, to utilize more of the light to a somewhat 4x4 area. Anyway, my brother thinks im over reacting from reading all this info on the net. I dont know what to think. or do. PLEASe HELP.:wall:


Well-Known Member

What are you measuring pH with?

Do you have any pH down liquid or powder?

You pH is too high for hydroponics.

What type of water do you use -- if it is not reverse osmosis, you may be adding more calcium then you need. This is a common situation in hydroponics. Source water should ideally be reverse osmosis. If not, it should be tested.

Do you measure PPMs of nutrient? How about you starting water? If it is tap and over 70 PPM, then you could have too much calcium already in there.

If you answer each of these, we will all have a much better idea of what is going on. You just need some minor tweaking.

I'll help you out as long as you try to answer questions clearly and as best you can.
